Sunday, February 25, 2007


Fack, feck, fick, fock, fuck and sometimes fyck.

I? Am needing some serious getting out of what I am in right now. Geezus Mother of Christ. Who knew that such simple and sweet things could turn out to be so... so... WRONG!?

Arrgh, this Indigo is getting seriously riled up.

Anyways, whatever. I am doing things. I sold some jewelry (to my mother. In exchange for furniture she bought me at IKEA. Hey, it still counts. There was an exchange of goods. And so what if it was my mother?) and I also gave some jewelry as gifts this weekend. Next weekend I will be taking my basic holistic reflexology course - WHOOHOO! and will start doing practicum work asap after. So.

Who wants a foot massage?

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Yeah, some pretty interesting shit is hitting the fan. And I have to say, fuck. I KNEW it. Dammit, I hate that when that happens.

I can't really go into it much beyond that, but what I can say is that as a result of this revelation, I sucked it up and totally took charge of ici - moi and am totally making an effort to rectify what little integrity there is lying around.

So! How is that for effin' cryptic?

The Audiophile's got a new pad, and I must say well, it is pretty swank. Of course, nothing is as swank as MY new pad, but whatev. I am allowed to be biased.


Whoa. I just got a call that I saved a kitty's life! A woman came into my store yesterday and was totally frazzled because her cat was basically going to die (her words) I have to say the cat smelled AWFUL and looked pretty ill - this woman was totally lost, didn't know the name of the vet that she was supposed to be at and had this appointment that was in 5 minutes. Anyway, the woman was just totally inoperable. So we finally find the vet through the phone book and 411, I call them and she was a few blocks off her target. They were totally waiting for her, and ready to go when she got there. I gave her the directions and asked if I could see the cat. I told her that I do reiki and that I would like to give it a little 'reiki love' and from that I looked at her and said: "your cat will totally be fine, she's just having a moment is all."

Well, work just called, the woman came in today to tell me that I saved a kitty's life! How's that for a gift, not just for her but for me too.


I feel pretty awesome.

kay, I'm going to read tabloid celebrity news now.

Friday, February 09, 2007



My place?

Is the shit.

I love it.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Have I been, AGAIN?

Dudes, I have been out in the concrete wilderness. Speaking with the spirits of the urban forest. Gathering the herbs and oils in order to transfix the world into a world of not doing. Pacifying demons and trudging through the muck with fallen angels.

Behold! I have procured with hallucinagenics an abode of such riches, where I can perform my rituals of eating, waking and sleeping. I happen to be living in one of the oldest, wealthiest neighbourhoods in Vancouver. What the fuck? Maybe I am just high on peyote. Lemme check.


Uh, nope. Apparently I live in Shaughnessy. Sweet hot sexy action.

It happened during a conversation with the high enchantress of the universe next to ours. I think it had a number in it. Like 7 or something. She told me that there were all sorts of places as I had dreamed about, I just had to let go of the reality that I live in and WHALA it would appear before me.

In an alcohol induced trance I talked with the Queen of the Underworld and she too, told me that I needed to go forth and surf the web of internet deeper that I had ever before. I needed to go past the earth plane and seek my answers within the deepest pits of the List of Craig. Craig was a sorcerer of immense magnitiude and held forth many books - books on furnishings, the theory of searching for anything and the theisis of living accomadations. Please pardon my erroneous spellings, I have been through much trials and tribulations. I have seen many things.

As a result, I focused my will and intent on a space so other worldly that even those who have mastered this technique were fearful that I would succumb to the world of couch surfing forever. But a bright and true sprite kept my vision alive as I wandered though the dense forest of nothingness and messiness.

Behold! I recieved a message though the web's dense forest of hell and through our technological existence and found a glimmer of phonics that shone like the northern star. A place so close and yet so far blossomed forth like a crystal castle in the far distance. The horizon played with my senses. Is it true? Is it really actually true? With apprension and fear I trudged on, death to my left and always within arms reach. He cackled lightly, and made his putrid breath be known. "It will be of nothing. You know you will hate it." The sprite said otherwise. "It will be grand. Go to the light."

I wandered between the tall rubbery pillars. Walked the stairs. Pushed the button of fortune or fail. I entered. I stumbled through the maze of portals. So many doors of otherness. I sought out the fibres of life, and saw some in the distance that resembled the numeric symbols I was searching for.

Behold. A place so magnificent I cried. It was exactly as I imagined it to be. Death sighed and faded, the light grew brighter.

I was home.

Now the wait is almost done. Two more sleeps...