Sunday, February 25, 2007


Fack, feck, fick, fock, fuck and sometimes fyck.

I? Am needing some serious getting out of what I am in right now. Geezus Mother of Christ. Who knew that such simple and sweet things could turn out to be so... so... WRONG!?

Arrgh, this Indigo is getting seriously riled up.

Anyways, whatever. I am doing things. I sold some jewelry (to my mother. In exchange for furniture she bought me at IKEA. Hey, it still counts. There was an exchange of goods. And so what if it was my mother?) and I also gave some jewelry as gifts this weekend. Next weekend I will be taking my basic holistic reflexology course - WHOOHOO! and will start doing practicum work asap after. So.

Who wants a foot massage?


Karin said...

w00t! Foot massages!!

w00t! Exchange of goods for goods!!

w00t! Amusing vowel references coming from vast frustration!

Oh, wait. The last part of the last bit...not so much with the w00t.

w00t! Us hanging out with beer soon!! (I know you haven't agreed to that yet, but nyah. I'm kidnapping you if you don't.)

Gwynabella said...

AGREED TO ALL! Including the kidnapping. Can you kidnap a person who is willing to be kidnapped? And I am not a kid, so what, would you then be committing a willing act of personnapping? Womannapping? Indigochildnapping? Supreme being of superness napping?

(and I am all about it, especially beer)!


DC said...

Can I watch this *napping?

I could probably handle a foot massage...

Karin said...

Hee hee. Sure, DC. I'll take my foot massage from you next time I see ya. ;)