Monday, December 25, 2006



Life's been crazy. Life's been hard. But you know what?

Life is beautiful too.

One of the greatest lines I've heard recently is this.

Where ever you are, there you are.

Meaning you can't ever escape yourself no matter what. So if the life you are living ain't so hot? (ahem.. yeah. That'd be parts of my life..) You've got the power to change that. Because no matter how hard you try to hide from your own misery? There you are.

Merry Christmas everyone. I don't believe in the religious aspects of it, but I do believe its a great time for healing and repairing, restoring and enjoying the company of those who matter to you. And don't forget to spend a little bit of time with the most important, and constant person in your life: Yourself.



kimmyk said...

What a great quote. It's true, isn't it???

I hope you had a great Christmas and things are finally starting to slow down for you. I've missed ya!

kimmyk said...

Ok so like I'm not trying to censor your creativity-I'm just here to wish you a Happy New Year!

I hope you slow down some in 2007!

Anonymous said...

You moved!? Please e-mail me your address (and your phone number). I will try to send you a housewarming gift. The operative word being "try" because school starts up again next week.

This semester my schedule looks like this:

Tuesday and Thursday: 6:15 to 8:15 p.m
Wednesday: 6:15 to 10:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.


Oh, well - it will pay off in the end.

Got an A+ and an A- last term. Woo hoo.

Happy New Year! Talk to you soon. E-mail me!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Pipkin said...

Hey, how come my comments above say anonymous? I was logged in when I posted them - No wonder I haven't heard from you.

E-mail me!
