Monday, August 23, 2004 moment please...

I am so bored... so i will engage in a little rambling.

What is it about the phone voice? You all notice that? You're yelling and grunting with your pals at work and then the phone rings. Voila, you suddenly change from an uneducated lout into some phone goddess whose voice seems to carry the caller off into la la land. Yet, if you were to re-create this voice in "real life" (as if talking on the phone isn't real life... or is it really actually real life...? hmmm...) anyways yes if you were to re-create this voice in real life you would then sound bizzaar and your friends would enquire as to whether or not you had a cold or were trying to sound like a phone sex operator. Thats when the freak out begins to happens because you then think of all those people who kept phoning back (if you are not a receptionist you will only have this happen because you don't return their calls). Are they phoning because they truly needed the name of the manager, even after you gave it to him 3 times before, or is he calling to hear the sultry sounds of your throaty voice?
Perhaps, in my case when I speak regularly I have this deep timbred voice that is loud and sometimes throaty...I think chortling is something that I do...ugh. But when I am on the phone my voice seems to transform itself into this ethereal thing that coos into the ear of the caller..."just one moment please..."
I dunno... but wait... *~ a thought...

Even when you are talking to your friends you don't seem to engage in the "phone voice" unless you want something, like say a ride to the movies or downtown or new pants or something. Maybe when you are at work you are actually trying to get something from the caller, like say maybe respect? stop yelling at me? No I don't know who John Smith is, he doesn't work here...stop yelling at moment please..." all done in the voice that would make Marilyn Monroe sound like a cow giving birth to a hippopotasquirrel. Ah yes JY, the elusive hippopotasquirrel.
Why the phone voice my fellow foodcourtians, why. Is it because we want more pants (and perhaps cleaner shorts) from our friends, and respect from our sleazy fellow telephoners? Is it because it makes us sound 6 feet tall with the measurement 34-25-34 (hello barbie), when the majority of us are soooo not. Could this be the real reason people hate automated phone people, and crave the smooth silky sounds of a live person, not because being stuck in voicemail hell is well simply that: hell, but that the voice, that beautiful voice makes you want to do just about anything...can you hold please....?
just one moment please.

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