Wednesday, August 25, 2004

obsessive compulsive in 24 hrs

Hello world, howzit going?
It's about 9.32am here in this loverly office, quiet...a little too quiet...

Well lads and lasses, I have continued the 24 watch, I think I saw *ahem~... 7 episodes yesterday...I think I need help... It didn't feel like it was that long, and its not like I didn't do ANYTHING all day...except that I didn't really do anything all day yesterday...but it's so tempting, because you have it right there, you don't HAVE to wait a whole week, you could just sacrifice some sleep and

Speaking of sacrificing, I am going to hang the creep who phoned our house at 1.09am this morning. I couldn't find the phone and dammit the answering machine picked up by the time I got to it. And with all that bloody telephone action in 24 I thought I was in some episode or something, y'know, someone was trying to call to tell us that we had to go get a gun or something cool like that, but wasn't...I am soooo lame.

Well, a considerable amount of time has passed since I started writing this, the place just got super busy all of the sudden...all of a sudden...? and I think I actually stopped thinking about 24 for at least 10 minutes...

So the other day I was chatting with one of the people who work here (for those that don't know I am currently working in a psychologists office) and I was asking him what tests are worth taking. He said that the NEO one is pretty good so I took it. So you would think that, you know, the tests would be positive right? So I took this one test and all the personalities had nice things to say, except mine. According to this test I am a neurotic, and I am basically evil and should be shot. Whaah. But I apparently I am friendly! :)

Have some fun with the tests peoples,


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