Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Tick Tock...

How many clocks can you see from where you are sitting?

Here, I have 7 within eyesight...
My phone has rung 6 times in 6 hours.
I have changed the settings on my blog about a dozen times.
Then I changed it again...

Oohh another clock...right here on my blog...and my phone is ringing...just one moment please... [elevator music...]

Right, I just got another assignment with the company that keeps calling me back...how fabulous for me. So folks this looks to be promising...maybe they will hire me on full time? For those who don't know me, I am a temp, so I don't know if I am working the next week or not, and usually it's expected that I call into the agency to get work, but not this time folks, they called me. And I don't have to answer the phone for this new job! Although me thinks its going to be mundane clerical work, but that is okay...

and I think there will only be 3 clocks...



DC said...

Only one at the moment, don't have any in my room, and I'm not wearing my watch...

Anonymous said...

I can see eight...including two watches, a cell and a pager...lol