Wednesday, November 08, 2006

And then it was spoketh, I have no integrity.


So I go to this *thing*. Out of respect of the *thing* I will refer it to the *thing*. Also known as a CULT. REALLY. Or maybe not. I dunno. Maybe they got to me?

So, I go away this weekend, and do this thing. It's supposedly in existence to teach me how to be a better person. Or whatever the fuck.

Am I after taking this course?

I don't really know. I know though that I have said I want to put my fist through a face more often than not lately and oh holy hell seems to be a bit of a catch phrase I've picked up. Probably at the bar.

So, yeah. This thing. It was being held by this fucking TOOL. HOLY FUCK TOOL ARE YOU JACKASS.

He made me so angry I really REALLY wanted to put my fist through his face but really it was just a moment where I was bringing the past into the future presently and was suffering from some sort of lacking of the integrity or some shit. Whatev.

So yeah. It's like sleep deprevation, food deprevation, suggested ALCOHOL deprevation and I was like what the fuck is that all about.

By the way? Fuck is my favourite word today. I am committed to it, and will keep my word.


So yeah. I am fucking tired and I am going to go to bed. Really, this whole story is way better in person, because I dance and sing and cry (oh wait. I am dead inside. Because I didn't cry. Or sorry, I am so suppressed I just don't even realize that I have issues buried deep inside.) I dunno, I seem to be a pretty vocal person for a dead person.


GuruTruth said...

Sounds like you went through a pretty rough time. I'm not sure specifically what group put on your "thing", but the characteristics you mention: sleep deprivation, food deprivation, and LOL (I love this one) alcohol deprivation, sound like tools used in brainwashing.

You might want to check out our blog for more information:
The Truth about Human Potential Seminars

kimmyk said...

So you have all these repressed anger issues that are killing you slowly is that what I'm getting out of all this? And this Tool of a guy told you that or is that what you figured out for yourself?

Either way, my advice is to get yourself a drink, huff some orange and ginger when you get to work and take a deep breath.

I hate it when people who don't even know you try to tell you what you're feeling.