Sunday, November 12, 2006


I really need a holiday.

So before I hunker down into my work for my other job, I thought I'd drop a line to y'all and be like YO! Howzitgoin?

Currently I am totally down. Utterly DEPRESSED. I don't really know why? I just feel really REALLY down right now. I figure it's because I am totally over tired, and feel a bit worse for wear - my buddy is still in town - but is currently camping (yeah, in THIS weather) with The Audiophile at some hotsprings - and I couldn't go because well, that would be too nice of a thing to have happen - and well, so back to the point - I am worse for wear because of my friend being in town usually is due to the massive amounts of hanging out and drinking beer I've been doing. And as well all know, beer makes you all depressed. But dude. Seriously. I feel totally low. Like that kind of "I just need a day off from life" sort of feeling.

Didn't help that I almost froze to death coming home, soaking wet and totally exhausted.

Blah Blah Blah.

Time for work part 2.

Ta Ta For Now.

1 comment:

kimmyk said...

I always feel 'down' this time of the year. Cold weather sets in. I hate it. Days are longer. I go to work and it's dark, I come outside and it's dark already.

Keep your chin up girlie. It'll be alright. Take a hot bath and get some rest and start over tomorrow.