Monday, November 27, 2006


I stole this from KimmyK.

6 weird things about me. Me. Me. Me.

Weirdo thing number 6: I have a bowl of buttons on my television so that every once in a while I can stick my fingers in to it because I like the feeling of buttons in a bowl.

Weirdo thing number 5: I have to go pee before I go to bed, even if I don't feel like I have to. It's one of those things where I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to go pee so get it done beforehand!

Weirdo thing number 4: I can't not have pens just lying in a pile, I have to line them up in a graduated way, smallest to largest or vice versa, and if they are coloured, then they will be grouped into like colours.

Weirdo thing number 3: I can't get comfortable in bed unless I cross my arms over my chest with each hand on each upper arm (sort of like a corpse) and cross my ankles.

Weirdo thing number 2: I turn out or burn out light bulbs and screw up radio frequencies and transmissions when I get excited, angry or have a sudden and most powerful emotional shift.

Weirdo thing number 1: I can see dead people.


1 comment:

kimmyk said...

#6 is just hilarious. Do you stick your finger in your belly button too??

I hate waking in the middle of the night to pee. Hate that! But I love peeing. It's like so relaxing.

#4 I think borders OCD. Not sure though.

#2 and #1 I find completely intriquing.

I still love ya though!