Friday, March 31, 2006

Ack! Awkwerd...

I am currently having a breakdown, right now in my cubicle...

Feeling like you are at the bottom of a well, and although you know there is life and light above, because you can see the opening at the top, but you know that you can't reach it, and it will be a really long time before you can reach it and it feels like you have been working so hard for so long and all of it is for nothing except the realization that you still have a lot more to do before you can even begin to climb out of that well? And all you wish is that there was someone in the well with you to keep you sane, but you understand that this is something you have to climb out of alone, because then how can you focus on the lessons to be learned if you're busy discussing music and movies and the latest this or that?

And then that hot rushing feeling in your are going to simply break down... have a big fat breakdown...

I need to lean, just for a moment, sweet jesus, just for a moment...


Anonymous said...

Billie Jo Bull...lmao

DC said...

Hmmm... either I'm missing something or the previous comment has nothing to do with the post.

I know what you mean, I would tend to get distracted if there was anyone in the well with me. At the same time, I expect that is often what you need in that state, is a little distraction to help put things in perspective. Hope you found a molehill.