Wednesday, March 29, 2006

WEDNESDAY... already, all day...

Wow... do you ever have those days where you feel fabulous, have loads of energy and look like half a million dollars? (come on, I still had to get up early and go to work... NO one looks fabulous in the first 3 hours of their day... unless you spent all those 3 hours getting gussied up...I spend maybe...30 mins?)

So, feeling fab, looking not too bad and bouncing off the walls.
Everyone in my office hates me right now... mwahaahaahaa!

I finished watching Rosemary's Baby... crazy shit man... for the 60's? Roman Polanski's got some fairly neat-o (yes, neat-O) ideas... I won't get into it (don't want to spoil the suprise you know...) but I would recommend it for what its about and the times, kind of neat... o.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Ooh, read the book. Read the book. It's scary!! I haven't seen the movie...but the book is by the same guy who wrote the book "Stepford Wives"...which I own and will someday eventually read. Sommmmemeeeeeddayyyyyyy....