Friday, March 24, 2006

A french kid and his dog...

I am going to see Belle and Sebastian tonight at the 'Fabulous Commodore' tonight. I read the article about them in the Straight today, and looks as if they are going to be playing a good show... But I never really got that... I mean, you are going to play a good set. I anticipate that you will play a good set. But... how do you really know? Whatever, don't listen to me, I am so tired.

My job, is so boring. I am so bored I think I might cry. Monkeys can do my job. I am a monkey. With out a tail... So I have a monkey job, which sucks, AND I don't get a tail that can fetch me bannanas and such stuff (pens, keys, wallets...) so I am losing doubly. I mean come on, if you are going to get me to do monkey jobs, at least let me have the tail????!

I saw V for Vendetta on Wednesday night. It was entertaining. I realized after that there really wasn't a whole lot of content, the movie could have been probably an hour long and still cover all its points, but then, well, the movie would be a documentary or something. I definitely found some aspects really annoying. Or not annoying, that's a bit harsh, more like "huh? whaa?
What was the point of that?".

I watched the Constant Gardener last night. That was a good flick. I enjoyed that. There were definitely times where I was wondering if it was going to pick up a bit. I realized at about half way through that there was going to be massive 'close ups' of the human condition - which I enjoyed, got over the fact that there wasn't going to be a whole lot of car chases and such stuff, and ended up really liking it.

What else did I do this week?
Monday, Tuesday... Tuesday... can't remember.
Wednesday, movie.
Thursday, movie.
Friday... Belle and Sebastian...

Oh, I remember, I got my laptop on Monday, and fiddled with it on Tuesday.

anyways, signing out,
have a great weekend, if thats where you are at in your week.

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