Monday, March 27, 2006

Debit the Credit...

I just completed my first test for my CGA Financial Accounting course. I would like to report that I have scored 100%. Whoohoo! Maybe I am that hellasmart person. (note: I thought way back when that I had 3 tests in like 2 weeks? Nay, I'm just incapable of reading instructions's like 1 every 2 weeks...)

Went to see Belle and Sebastian at the Commadore on Friday. Brilliant show - even though they played few songs off the albums that I own. My friend and I agreed that we would need to pick up a few of the newer ones and check them out. Alln'all, it was good. I bet though the guy who got pulled up on stage and danced, had a ball! We went out afterwards and had seriously disgusting Greek food and ceasars which really wasn't needed but damn it was disgusting good. We lamented that this was the last of the tickets we had bought in advance, and were lamenting that we missed out on Beth Orton, or rather that we are missing out - we can't really afford the tix right now.

Saturday was nice, bought cd's neither of us could really afford (see, this is why we can't go see Beth Orton...) Some guy tried to pick me up... hey baby and all that shit. Really, get a life.

Got a Cat Power disc and a Johnny Cash disc. God, why did I not listen to Cash sooner? What the hell is wrong with me? My friend picked up this Flaming Lips disc, dammit... it is sooo good...

Watched a bunch of movies over the weekend...rented what... History of Violence, which was good, I enjoyed it. Not the greatest, but good. Saw the Village, what a shit movie. Lemony Snicket's series of Unfortunate Events or whatever its called, that was funny for a "kids" movie. Actually I found some of it to be quite clever...and I have plans to watch Rosemary's Baby either tonight or tomorrow... Depends on the mood of the evening, and if there is any March Madness on.

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