Saturday, November 18, 2006

Irony is in the Shirt.

So, here I am today wondering what did I do last night?


No, I didn't forget, people. I wasn't THAT intoxicated. Or maybe I was? I can't really remember...

All joking aside, I found a place that is near my house that serves good food, and holy fuck CHEAP BEER. I am talking 2.66 a pint of Keiths. I have died and gone to heaven. Oh, not to mention the 1.99 Lobster Mondays. Uh, YEAH. REDONKULOUS.

So my beautiful friends and I - that'd be the Teacher, DC and a new inductee - we'll call her Wee Hippie (but she isn't a dirty hippie, just so you know. She's just got hippie tendancies) - us 4 we decended upon this fabulous place of noshing and drinking, and lo, I discover cheap beer and well, they had to pry my hands off the menu and carry me out the door because we had to go.


Sadly, I suggested a place that provided KARAOKE because I am all about the KARAOKE and so did the fine ladies of the bunch (lucky man, DC) and lo, KARAOKE is on Saturdays. Yes. Last night was FRIDAY. So we played darts and shuffle board and then I was dropped off at WH's house and we decided that the night was far to young and so we went out into the world in search of more cheap beer. Alas, everything was closed. What time was it? 1.15am. That, my friends? Pisses me off. I mean come on. It's 1.15am on a Friday and nothing is open on one the more "HAPPENING" strips in good ol' Vancouver. Whatever.

So, we head home, drink the last of the tequila and go to bed. In the morning we had to swing by one of the other stores (yes, WH and I work together). Dragging our tired asses out of bed and getting out of the door to grab some coffee (which apparently they can make now, and I am sorry CHICKY but I am DAMN sure you added water to my no-water Chai. Yes, I asked for it that way because I like it that way, but also too, I ain't really running the risk of getting some sort of disentry or something.) and stand outside the store for 20 minutes while this crazy dude sings 'Girls, Girls, Girls' while playing the spoons. Yup. Spoons. Oh, he had great songs lined up for us.

We get the stuff and we run like hell out of that weird-o situation.

So, I am home waiting for the Audiphile to get up so we can get something to eat. I have a head ache, and the irony is?

WH and I were picking up headache remedies at the other store...

But I don't even know if that's ironic.


kimmyk said...

Maybe it was a premonition of what was to come you buying the headache medicine?

Sounds like you had a good time though. Good for you!

Anonymous said...


Feel better...

Anonymous said...

ahh my gwynnyveer, cheer up don't you know you make your own reality? Make it fine.Didn't your induction teach you anything?? Smile and you smile, ho captain make it so. Yes I did drink too much as well while ramblin' round the city this weekend. Actually I haven't stopped drinking since my geat escape.Remember just think those headaches away (did I say "drink") See you Friday Cult reunion or incestfest you decide. xo

Pipkin said...


Give Miss Theresa shit for me, will you? I told her I want Christmas Carol Karaoke to become a Christmas tradition in the Johnson household, and she just looks at me like I'm off my rocker.

I think you need to come here and have Christmas Carol Karaoke with me. K?