Monday, January 23, 2006


There, I did my civic duty to my fellow Canucks and reminded y'all to vote. Now if I can just remember to go voting...

As Dave mentioned on his blog, yes Underworld 2 is a fun and entertaining movie. I cheered at the end. But then I am insane so that is to be expected. But Dave is absolutely right. If its been awhile since you've seen the first one, see it before you see the 2nd one. I was like whaaa...? for some of the movie... especially with all the flashbacks and stuff... weird. But if watching the 1st one again doesn't seem like your cup of tea, remember: You get to see Kate Beckensdale in a tight leather cat suit, a corset and pack some serious heat... if that's your thing. And the dude she's hot for, yeah he's pretty freakin' sexy too, even when he's all mutating and stuff.
They make such a sexy pair. Sigh.

I got some tix to see Belle & Sebastian on the weekend. Their show is coming up on the 24th of March. Going to see Jeff Tweedy of Wilco on the 31st of this month. Pretty stoked about it.

Bought a ridiculous amount of CDs on the week end...I mentioned that I was on a country craze, I forgot to mention that I am also on this binge of Indie Rock. Christ, don't tell anyone though. aharhar, just kidding. I should really stop being such a prick.

It's been awhile since I spent any time listening to Indie Rock, and I figured my CD collection needed reviving and so I spent a few bucks and bought myself some tunes. There's this band called "Low", they're coming to town on the 8th of March, may check them out - the album I got is fabulous. Sort of slow and melancholy - sigh. 2 discs of Belle & Sebastian, their music makes me so happy... It's almost criminal. It's like sunshine and butterflies I swear. So good. And of course I got a good staple like Yo La Tengo and some Iron & Wine. Also got the Calexico/Iron & Wine album on order. A buddy of mine went and saw them in Seattle before he left for Fort St. John - picked up the album on LP. We spent and evening checking it out, man was it awesome. Really recommend it. The new Mercury Rev made it briefly into my collection but gave it to my friend who is a mad Mercury Rev fan; we listened to it over the week end. It's such a great album too. I really lucked out. Mind you, I got good direction from my dear friend - he pointed me in the right direction for most (if not all) the albums... It'd been awhile since I listened to some, and some I hadn't even heard of.

But anyways, music is music - listen to what ever makes you happy. Some of it is great and some of it is crap, but that's just my opinion. If it makes you feel something, thats all that matters.

Have fun voting today!


1 comment:

DC said...

You seem quite mellow, not used to that when you're talking about music. I'm impressed. Can't say I've heard of any of the bands you're talking about...