Tuesday, January 24, 2006


So, the election is over, the votes are in and we woke up to a new government. Just like that. Gee, too bad there couldn't be- say, elections to elect more money into my life, have a vote, go to bed and wake up rich... provided of course that those who voted would want me to be rich.

Really though, I find it oddly facinating. Going to bed and waking up to an entirely different "powers that be" being in charge. Its like waking up to find your neighbours parents having become yours. Weird.

There was one thing that I discovered however, about this election. Something that I never really thought about. What is important to me? What would I want in a government?

Whoa, don't get me wrong, I know what is important to me and I certainly have thought about it before, but have I really thought about it - what my ideas and beliefs actually mean? It's like using really big words you just learned, and are kind of familiar with the meaning, but if you were challenged on it, you'd look wide eyed at the person and either run, or make up something that sounds good. So what I believe in, it sounds all pro social (thats what I figure I am), but do I really know what it means? Turns out that I did, I just didn't really have the words to describe my position very well (so basically I made stuff up... just kidding).

In the end after all that deliberation, I discovered that there really wasn't a party that fit to what I believe in. None of them. Mind you in my riding I had about 5 choices, but even still, it was a little alienating. I know for a fact that I am NOT the only one out there that feels that way, in fact I would bet that there are quite a few folks out there with the same predicament. I know, pick the one that fits the most with what you want to see happen in your country... I don't know... I haven't really come to terms with that idea... I think it requires more discussion.

But whatever, I would much rather chat about politics and maybe even endure some BROWBEATING in person than having a one sided typing temper tantrum.

So... yesterday was apparently the most depressing day of the year. Interesting. I would have to agree, but only because it was put into my head that it was the most depressing day of the year. I think otherwise I would have just assumed it was another day of rain and that if it didn't stop soon, I would likely go insane. Thank goodness it's sunny today, because I don't really want to go insane... although I know I am already insane, but well... you know.

1 comment:

DC said...

Oh, I see that's why you called, you wanted a BROWBEATING. Sorry I didn't get back to you, I'll give you a call tonight.