Friday, January 20, 2006

Thank F*** it's Friday!

Well folks,
I am sitting in the ol' office without a soul around... hence the writing of the blog...UNDETECTED! Mwahahahaha...

Gonna go see a movie this weekend - Underworld 2... should be good times.

I have been in really good company over the last while. I am engaging in challenging conversations, reading really good literature (although I admit, only recently... I haven't really had the time...). I am currently reading the Chrysalids by John Whyndam. So far so good. Really I am on Chapter 2, the first chapter - Ah yes... the set up... and the second chapter... the social and familial positioning of the main character... so really the story hasn't quite unfolded, but the subject is facinating. and a little scary. I was reading the First Circle by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, but having not read Russian Literature since College - I found it a bit... awkward. Really, trying to remember the six names each character has... plus the subject of war and prison is not 100 percent familiar with me (I don't have a lot of knowledge when it comes to the history of war, or even the language of war) - so I am reading the Chrysalids first - sort of ease me back into that kind of reading. I was heading to Mexico to study Yoga, which turned out to be a nightmare.. another story to tell later on... But anyway, I had reading to do before I left so I had been spending the last 2 months prior to leaving reading anatomy books and the like... a little bit of a different read.

So, I am quite content. I have been reading good books. Listening to such good music. Oh. My. God. I love country. Not this new country shit, but proper old school country. Like Cash (and no, I was listening to it BEFORE the movie came out thankyouverymuch...), George Jones... Gram Parsons and EmmyLou Harris. Not to mention other genres of music that I hadn't listened to in a long while and found that I missed it and enjoy it very much...Like hill billy bluegrass...?

Such fun is life... I am so glad...
and hey folks...


Pseudo-intellectual lunatic said...

great day for a visit to the pedicurist i say

Anonymous said...

Try George Straight...he rocks

Gwynabella said...

Nice! Will do, and will do.

DC said...

I'd need to be convinced that there is actually good literature out there... at least by the conventional definition of literature. I welcome the conversation though...