Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I don't know if you all have been up on the news at all lately (I am sure y'all have been... I mean really...) but we have had in the last month only 8 hours of sunshine. I guess this would explain why I feel like a weeping homicidal maniac? Have this uncontrollable desire to hide under my covers with a lamp so that I feel like I am in a tent in some warm climate? (Yeah, I could have been doing that, but unfortunately there were too many burning cars around for me to really enjoy it...)

I honestly hope that it doesn't really rain anymore... I know it will, and like kids and broccoli its probably good for you, but that doesn't mean I gotta like it much.


DC said...

If you believe Tamara Taggart it's why we don't have wrinkles ;-)

But what Vancouver needs more of is freak rain storms. You see as it is, you never catch pretty girls in white t-shirts by surprise with rain in Vancouver. That's the real shame here...

Although it has been raining a lot, it hasn't really been cold. Like everything else, it's you stopping you, not this external factor called the weather. It can only bring you down if you let it.

Anonymous said...

whatever....rain rocks! hehehe NOTNOTNOT just so you know, interestion of has rained twenty-nine days in a row, in the lower mainland...In Tofino, it has rained thrty seven!

Karin said...

I don't mind a bit of rain...but when the sun comes out it feels SO good.