Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A man, a plan, a canal - Panama

So bored. So I found the dictionary of All Consonant Words. I like this one:

n. a mother hen’s “all clear” signal that danger has passed.

oooh, and this one which immediately follows:

n. the sound of someone struggling not to drown in a vat of fresh cream, as in the graphic novella Hearts and Minds by Scott McCloud; see also hgkh, sppt.

and this one:

gmmph nng m.

n. a mumbled line of dialogue by the character “Kenny” from the animated television series South Park.

KENNY: Gmmph nng m! KYLE: It’s just your imagination. There’s nothing in here with us. KENNY: NNNGH! (Sound of chains breaking and nasty slobbering noises. Kenny’s eyeballs vanish.) KYLE: Ohmigod, they killed Kenny! —Matt Graham, “South Park: Angband comes to South Park.”

this one's a little far fetched?

lrrrg rrrr grrrrv rrr shrrrrrrd.

n. a “barely decipherable moan” by the living dead news commentator Zombie Dave, as transcribed by Chris Bell (

I suffer from these ALL the time:


n. the sound of swallowing back tears of nostalgia.
<*Sigh* ... those were the days ... qwrts ... qwrts ... qwrts ... —Silverfox,>

This one? Well, I like the letter X:


n. an inaudible statement that sounds similar to “truth and information are not the same thing” but is actually something else.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX! he said. What? I yelled over the wind. It was starting to carry him away. I said, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX! he yelled back. Truth and information are not the same thing! he shouted, and he shot up into the sky instantaneously, shrinking to a tiny black dot that hung briefly in the air and then winked out. I stood staring up at the spot where he had been. That wasn’t what he’d been trying to tell me, that truth and information weren’t the same thing. He’d been saying something else but I just hadn’t been able to get it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. I focused my concentration; there was a sizzling sound. It had been pressed into the sand in front of me in green glass symbols: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Okay, now I’d retain it and work on a translation later. Probably take me the rest of my life, I thought. —Pat Cadigan, Mindplayers

So bored...

1 comment:

Pipkin said...

I suffer from qwrts all the time, too. Must have something to do with being forty-t-er-thirty-nine.

Hey, go here:

Please. And complete an offer. (and all your friends, too). Theresa got her ipod now Megan wants one, too. I just don't have a spare $400 laying around anywhere at the moment (or anytime for that matter).