Monday, February 27, 2006

See More Glass...

Such a fabulous weekend...

So, I finally got that piece of paper that indicates I am allowed to operate a 4 wheeled motorized thing, preferably not under the influence of alcohol and of course by law I need other folks in this machine with me at all times, I guess because its illegal to die a horrible death alone... BONUS though... I only need this L thing in my window for 6 months because the powers-that-be actually awknowledged my previous motorcar experience and the thousands of dollars spent. Currently the L is holding up my grocery list on the stove whilst I embark on the journey of searching for a car that isn't too expensive but not a complete piece of shit... I wonder what you can buy for (slowly counting the change in my wallet) - $1.84?

I also purchased a small blue and red siamese fighting fish yesterday which I christened "Cthulhu Bob". You see C.B. believes that he is a serious marauding demon fish of the deep (um... deep 2 gallon tank...) and the king of his domain - but he's really a slack jaw hick who likes to listen to field recordings of hollerin' hillbillies. He also seems to have an affinity for watching "Black Adder" and the Buddha that lives with him in his little bowl.

I made pancakes by myself for the first time EVER and without someone hovering saying 'you're doing it wrong, that's not the way I do it blah blah blah' - I simply said I want to make 'em because I never really had done so all by myself - and was told 'No problem, if you need assistance you can ask, but go at it.' No hovering or criticism - I think honestly, they were the best damn pancakes I have ever had in my ENTIRE life. It helped of course, that I had good company too.

Have been introduced to H.P. Lovecraft. I love the style of writing, and my god so freaky for the times. Loved it so much, it inspired the naming of my fishie. Also read some J.D. Salinger short stories. Aloud. Yep, reading stories to people. So much fun. And the conversations after reading them? Brilliant. We probably spent a good couple of hours reading and discussing stories.

What a weekend...

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