Monday, February 20, 2006

Prehistoric Plants Part Paths to Pat's Place...

I nearly had to kick someone out of my house this weekend. To clarify first, I was having a gathering over the weekend in honour of a very important and close friend who happened to come down for a few days from up North. There's three of us important close friends, and we get along super well. In fact we are going to commission Todd McFarlane to make for us action figures that interconnect to create a giant robot we have come to call "AWKWERD'BOT". We even have a catch phrase which is Akwerd'bot unite! It's funny... Really.

BUT ANYWAY... as a result of the return of the friend from the North my house was innandated with people. Most of the left late PM early AM. Some stayed way longer than they should have. Some of them lets say - were not necessarily intentionally but were trying to anyway - get me evicted by jumping up and down on the floor in attempts to skip my CD player, and basically being an ass. I think I said something like "If you don't stop that right now I will tear off all your limbs and feed them to you..." And I think I said (er... yelled...) after that "Yes I am Fucking Serious, stop fucking around, sit down and shut up..." I really should have said "Get the hell out of my house." But I didn't. Needless to say however, the other AWKWERD'BOT members stuck up for me and successfully kept it from becoming a scene. He left not to soon after. Which was fine by all of us.

But it got me thinking... (lots of stuff gets me thinking...) Why is it that we allow ourselves to have such sucky friends? I mean, we can all say 'oh they have some good merits...' but I don't know, if they are always pissing you off, does it really matter then if they have good merits or not? Why do we hold out on some of the people who drive each other nuts? I mean sure, I have friends who take a lot of work, but these are people that I have known for years. I am sure that I can be a lot of work for some of my friends. I guess we make exceptions based on return - I like to have you in my life even if its hard sometimes because the good times we do have really outweigh the bad. But damn, I don't know why I allow a few of the people I have in my life continue to be in my life, I sure as hell not getting anything good out of some of these relationships. I really don't get it.

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