Thursday, October 12, 2006

11 bottles...

Currently I have 11 bottles of essential oils on my mantle. No, I don't use the fireplace so it isn't a hot place, in fact it's probably the safest place for my EO's right now.

So. Today was my first day as a manager. I got to work a 1/2 hour early, and left 3 hours after my shift. I spent the majority of that time CLEANING. My god, the back room of this place is an EFFING tip.

But. BUT. I got to see Bob Dylan last night. Honestly, it was an amazing show. I kept saying to the Audiophile "Holy Shit. That's Bob Dylan! I am watching Bob Dylan! Dude! Bob Dylan just put on a hat! Bob Dylan is the shit!" etc. etc.

And he played that song I posted a while ago. Damn fine song. And absolutely brilliantly done last night if you ask me.

My dad came by my store today to drop something off and to do one thing and one thing only. Take a picture of me on my first day as manager.

Now that? Is pretty awesome. Made me smile for the rest of the day.

Now. I am tired? Finishing a beer and heading off to bed.

Maybe one day I'll actually get to write more regularly...


Karin said...

that is soooo sweet of him. :D

Only eleven? Damn, girl. You'd better get yourself moving. ;)

Lemme guess some of what you got...assuming there's no blends involved.

Peppermint, lavender, some kind of citrus (orange, sweet orange, lemon, lime or grapefruit...maybe bergamot), eucalyptus, tea tree, probably not rose, ooh...maybe um...what's that blue one? Argh...I can't remember. How about sandalwood? Very Expensive. But nice. :)

Karin said...

Oh, I forgot about rosemary... :) I broke a big bottle of rosemary once, inside a bag that was inside my main bag.

I don't like the smell of rosemary much. :P

kimmyk said...

That's cool that you're making the place your own.

I always feel better when I know the place is clean and then I can work properly. It only makes sense.

That's cool that your dad came to take a pix. He's really proud of you. Very sweet.

Pipkin said...

Oh, congrats. I haven't been following much - sorry.

Aw, what doll - Bruce. He's so sentimental.

Oh, and I got another 100% on my second assignment in Business Law.

Gwynabella said...

Ms.Teacher: Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Cypress, Tea Tree, Ginger Root, Lemongrass, Geranium, Eucalyptus, Clove Bud, Cinnamon. The Blue one is Blue Chammomile. :)

Ms. KimmyK: Yeah, it totally helps to have a say in what my space will look like. Here is where I will need to be most comfortable to be my most productive. God I sound like a brochure for Uber Worker Bees or something.

Auntie Laura: Yeah. Bruce is a sentimental kind of guy isn't he. And HOLY CRAP on you 100%! Looks like your doing something that is right for you too!