Friday, October 13, 2006

Blah, Blah, Therapy, blah Blah BLAH!

So dudes out there, just wanted you to know that on Wednesday I did part of my masters for Reiki. What an amazing experience. Holy Doodle. Or better yet? Whoa fuckin' eh.

So, I have one more step to go and I can teach. It'll be a while before I do that, I want to play with the energies for a bit before I move on. My mom picked me up an entry level massage table, so I think I am going to start giving treatments. A nice little way to make a bit of extra income, I think. Plus BONUS when you give a person a Reiki treatment you end up inadvertently giving yourself a mini one.

One of the women I work with, she'll be taking her level three with the same teacher I have, and because of all the changes in the store she wasn't sure if she would be able to get a day off where she could take the course. I was able to swing it, and she gave me a bag of crystals as a gift, in a Ganesh bag. I thought that was pretty cool. I mean first off she was appreciative of being allowed to get the time off, and second she was SO happy I was the manager of the store. Talk about being made to feel good. I don't think I've ever experienced that at any other job.

But OMG I have the PLEASURE of dealing with some of the most weird people. I love the assumptions that because I work in a fairly high end neighbourhood, that I can afford to shop and eat out in said high end neighbourhood. HARHAR. Actually it's pretty funny to deal with. You just smile as they go on about places you've never heard before, or you have and in the past made comments like "When I win the lottery? I am so shopping, eating or what have you - there." Sadly, I can't really get into details about it, partly out of respect for those who come into the store, and secondly out of respect of the place that I work for. Respect for me? What is that (actually I have an immense amount of self respect. I rule.)

But totally unrelated to the work or the people who visit. Bus driver of the 99 that I took at 4:45pm today? You? Are a terrible driver. I think when your whole bus yells WHOA and what the Fuck and Holy Fuck and shit ass Fucker (alright, maybe THOSE ones were said by me) and tumble down the aisle as you screech to a halt on a dime at a already very stale yellow light is an indication that um you drive WAY too fast (Or? You suck at driving). Oh. Right. You stopped only because there was a cop in the oncoming traffic. Right. So, running the yellow/red light, and risk getting a ticket (is that even possible?), or going from 60 to 0 in 3 seconds and in 10 feet and being responsible for the carnage of people flying down the middle of the bus.

I loved it when about 1/3 of the people fled the bus at the next stop after that. I think the best line was:

Guy 1: Holy shit this guy sucks!

Guy 2: Yeah. Totally. He's going to kill someone.

Guy 1: Dude, did you see when he flew through that marked crosswalk? And the people had to stop in the intersection?

Guy 2: Yeah. I think I am getting off at the next stop, he's freaking me out. I'm gonna catch the next one.

Funny? The dude got off the bus. He was serious, yo.

OH! I get to see Yo La Tengo tomorrow night! Whoo!

Have a great weekend y'all.


kimmyk said...

I somehow feel cheated that I've never been on a bus before.

Secondly, how nice of your co worker to do that for you. I don't work with bitches that nice.

And last but not least-making an extra 800 bucks a month part time? doin' what..sellin crack or my ass on the corner?

Glenn McArthur said...

That sounds like a bus driver I had on the 241 last year...After he crashed into the Marine Drive overpass at the north end of the Lionsgate, I had enough...I thought I got him fired, but maybe they just transferred him over town...

Gwynabella said...

KimmyK: CRACK ASS SELLING HO! HARHAR! Yeah, that anon dude/ette is pushing for a hard sell, or something hard...

WCW.. Holy crap you never told me that story. We should get together before I get sucked into retail hell for the next 2 months...