Thursday, September 21, 2006

Guess Where I am?

Yup. At that job I left. I have reports I have to do because I didn't get to do them on the Friday due to my uber energy field screwing up the computers. *sigh* I get to work a 6 day week!


I am here, and boy I can tell you? Environment has everything to do with how one feels about their job. I immediately felt so drained when I walked in here. At my other job, I feel tired until I get there, and then because it smells so good, I feel energized and there are lots of things to distract you. Here? I've got a raging head ache.

Last night, I watched the biggest spider run out from underneath my table where the T.V. lives, and along the fireplace and under the couch. The couch I was sitting on. Now, I am convinced these fuckers are psychic. Because when I saw it, and looked at it? It stopped dead in its 8 tracks and then ran FULL TILT under the couch. I didn't even have time to grab a shoe and thwack it.

So, there I am at 11:00pm watching Jon Stewart and wondering where the hell that spider went. OMG. So HUGE. I thought it was a mouse initially. Yes, seriously. A mouse. It stood off the ground a good 1.5 inches. I text message The Audiophile because I needed a distraction, he advised that I 'roll up a paper and beat the fuck next time it shows its face!'.

Well, I didn't know where it went, at least at that point in the evening. With my little legs tucked under me and pecariously peering around my couch and the heaters near me, lifting up various pieces of yoga gear to ensure it didn't crawl into my mats, I settled down and finished watching Jon Stewart, and the Colbert Report. FYI? I think Stephen Colbert is fucking HOT. I have a major love crush on Mr. Colbert. Yeah. That's right. Mr. Colbert? You are a serious hunk of manly man-ness and you can scream YES to me any day...


I am referring to the EVEN STEVENS (YES! NO! YES! NO!). Geeze.

So, there I am watching the hotness that is Stephen Colbert, when suddenly darting from its orginal location of behind the TV, the Giant Spider. Well, of course I am wondering now, HOLY FUCK is there more than 1 in this place (YUP, PROBABLY)? And with it's spidey senses tingling it ran quickly across the floor and ran into the leg of one of my chairs. And stopped. I stared it down. It stared me down. Or at least I think it was. I couldn't tell because I was too overwhelmed by the size of it, and the fact it was drinking a Bud and smoking a Camel Filterless. Yes, this spider was (yeah, it's dead) a serious bad ass.

I rolled up the paper like the Audiophile had instructed. And I beat the crap out of it. It was a serious brawl, y'all. It smashed it's bottle and tried to cut me and it stuck the cigarette in my eye, and I flew into a rage and just kept smashing it, smashing it, oh the horror. It was so horrible!

I basically slept with one eye open after that. I know that his buddies will be out for blood.


Karin said...

Eek. Want some daddy longlegs? They kill and eat those big mofo's (I cannot believe I just typed that) for breakfast.

Trust me, I've got LOADS of the DLLs hanging around.

Gwynabella said...

I've got an arsenal of them (DDLs)in my bathroom, but they've told me that they are afraid of the big brown spiders.

Doode I can't BELIEVE you typed the word MOFO.