Thursday, September 28, 2006

It Takes 3 to Tango (but only because 2 is so *normal*)

Stolen from KimmyK!

3 names you go by:

3 screen names you've had; including the current one you use:
Ice Queen

3 things you like about yourself:
I am empathic
I listen well
I am strong in nature and the physical

3 things you hate/dislike about yourself:
I get overwhelmed sometimes
I can be indecisive
I can be arrogant

3 parts of your heritage:

3 things that scare you:
People or places with really bad or evil energy, or no energy at all
That we are totally consuming more than the earth can put out or put up with

3 of your everyday essentials:
[Ms KimmyK: Of course I know air, food, water, etc...let's think outside the box shall we? (I agree)]
Body lotion
My Thyroid Medication
My Jewelry (Jade* Bracelet and Kyanite* Pendant and now a Chalcedony* Ring)

3 things your wearing right now: (obviously my Jewelry)
Green Long Sleeved T-Shirt
Jeans that have little holes in them on purpose which I think is ludicrous but they were on sale so whatever
Black organic soy cotton bra

3 of your favorite bands: (or artists! And arrgh only 3?!)
Iron & Wine
Bob Dylan

3 new things you want to try in the next 12 months:
Let go and not worry
Aromatherapy School
Be more present

3 things you want in a relationship:
Respect for each other
Respect for ones self

2 lies and one truth:
I am afraid of needles
I was homeless for 3 days
I hate karaoke

3 of your favorite hobbies:

3 bloggers you want to party with:
and You. But only if you're nice.

3 things you just can't do:
Do math in my head
Hear the words of a song on the first try
watch reality TV

3 things you want to do really bad right now:
See my friend Mr. Fort St. John
Console the Audiophile who is having a bad day
Learn and know everything about aromatherapy or any healing modality, really

3 careers your considering:
Yoga Teacher
Wellness Centre Director

3 places you want to go on vacation:
Costa Rica
New Zealand

3 true loves:
My Self
The Audiophile
Helping others

3 favorite animals:

3 reasons why your doing this:
Because it makes me think
Because I can
Does it really matter why? Huh? HUH?

3 people who must take this quiz:
Mr. Wellipsis
Madam The Teacher
And anyone else who feels so inclined

*Jade helps with healing or pain
*Kyanite protects from absorbing negative energy
*Chalcedony promotes stability


kimmyk said...

I like horses and whales too!

Thanks for explaining the jewels. I was wondering. Yes you have inspired me to want to try Yoga.

You're so Zen.

Gwynabella said...

Aw, thanks. I appreciate that, and I am glad to be of some inspiration.

Karin said...


Ok, I'll do it. :D