Wednesday, September 06, 2006


The link is fixed Teach! :)

Yesterday I practiced practical theraputic Yoga.

I honestly don't really have much to vent about today. Oh, don't get me wrong. There are plenty of things that happened today that were irritating, but I just don't really care enough about them to go on about them.

HEY! I am reading a book right now, The Life of Pi. So far so good. I'll keep you posted on it.


DC said...

I don't think you need to limit yourself to rants...

Gwynabella said...

yes I do.

Karin said...

Hooray for fixed links. LOL

Re limiting self to rants here: Haha! Too bad and too late! This was decidedly unrantlike. :)

I started reading Life of Pi, rather enjoyed it, but then didn't get to finish it. Boo.

kimmyk said...

You do yoga?

I just don't get how all that makes ya feel better. Explain?

Gwynabella said...

I'll post about it. May take me a bit, mostly because I am at work (lol, as if that ever stopped me before) but that's something that'll take some thought. That's a pretty awesome question.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, it at all does not approach me.