Monday, September 18, 2006

Rubba dub dub

I smell like various essential oils. In fact, everything I own that was with me at work today smells like luxury. Mmmm... essentials.


Karin said...

Nice. I love the smell of aromatherapy shops usually, but sometimes they give me a headache. Not too often though.

DC said...

Just had a thought, shouldn't an aromatherapy shop be the one place that doesn't smell?

Sort of like at high end stereo places how it's quiet, and they have listening rooms...

Just a thought.

Pipkin said...

What's the name of the place?

Gwynabella said...

Well the essential oils are put into diffusers so that customers can smell what ever we put into it, plus there's all those other peripherals that smell - soaps and such. And boy after opening a half bazillion different bottles of the stuff and saying "Is this what you mean?' you get it all over yourself, and then you smell...

kimmyk said...

I'm so jealous.