Sunday, May 08, 2005

25 bucks an hour...

Wow, I honestly didn't think I would ever have a job that paid that...
mind you... all the labour, more like 25 cents an hour...

Well, my little market fair did well. I even got a potential wedding client, which is fabulous. Even if I don't end up making anything for her, it was still nice to have that opportunity, and the interest.

So I am in the process of finding out what other little markets I can do, since it seems to be rather lucrative. The next big event for me is in July, and I will certainly be busy working on that project. Who knows, maybe I will actually become one of those designers found in InStyle magazine! I also start my silversmithing course on Tuesday, and if I have a knack for that I will be starting my rings collection, which I have been designing for a while now (in my head of course!).

More exciting news, I am going on a business trip in June to Edmonton (whoohoo!), where I will be shopping for new supplies like rubies and sapphires and emeralds... Keep an eye out for more stuff on the website too! I am currently in the process of creating a new line of products. I hope to have these designs done by mid July, in time for the fall and winter seasons.

In other news...

On the 12th of May, if you are not doing anything, and you are in beautiful Vancouver B. C., I suggest you get down to the Red Room, located at 398 Richards Street for 9pm and check out a local band called Retrograde. They are releasing their second album; a follow up to the successful EP titled 'Headphones', which was released in October of 2004. The album, titled 'This Frequency We Share', has some very kick ass tunes. Tix are 10 bucks and at the door, and you get a copy of the CD. Guest bands are Doubting Paris and Motion Soundtrack.

Still haven't figured out what colour my wings are yet, but I have been thinking about the metamorphisis. It's funny, you can get all caught up in the change that you are going through, and in a sense it almost feels like a unique experience. You believe that other people will be the same - you however have evolved. What a silly egotistical thought!

Went out for dinner with DC, KA and JC, all of whom I hadn't really seen in awhile. It was nice to kick back and just enjoy. I highly suggest that you try the Wu-Tangtini at Cactus Club, sweet jesus it is fabulous!

Gotta go, just got a phone call I have been waiting for...

1 comment:

DC said...

It was really nice to hang out and break bread again. We (and the collectively larger group) need to do more of that, and less of the sitting around (i.e. I dunno what do you wanna do?).