Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I'll have two thanks...

Wow, I feel slightly uh... drunk
Went out and got my hair done today, er rather tonight, er... last night?
My stylist (yes, I have a STYLIST), she fed me liquor as I shared deep dark secrets. None of which I will share with you. Sorry folks!
So yeah, that was it...
alabama slammers are great...

1 comment:

Karin said...

Yummy!! Oh, I forgot to tell you...when I ordered the drinks I obviously sounded like I knew what I was talking about...and not in the least like I'd just spent the previous five minutes scouring the drink menu trying to figure out what the hell was in an Alabama Slammer. Dave turned to me when the waitress was gone and asked, "Do you even know what's in that?"

Me: "" Turned out A-OK though!