Thursday, May 12, 2005

Ach, my aching heart...

DC and KN are the greatest. Bless these guys and putting up with me.

In short blunt fashion at 2.00 this morning I thought my heart was giving out, called DC, got to go the hospital and have funky machines hooked up to me, and lie in a bed for 4.5 hours. Turns out I am okay - the muscles of the chest wall are wigging out, not the major ticker herself. (My thyroid drugs, they stimulate the metabolism, and subsequently the heart. If I get weird heart pains I gotsta go to the doctor asap...what a shitty day.) But no needles! YAY!

But I did get to experience some of the strangest things... hospitals are just weird. I suppose if they weren't people would go there all the time. I was put next to a woman who had something like chronic hiccups...

So, thanks y'all, you guys are sweet.

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