Thursday, May 12, 2005

I totally forgot!...

So on Tuesday I had my first silversmithing class. I found it to be so awesome! Our teach was late, and I had missed last class (so the first one) and had to wait before I could do anything. I caught up by the 2nd hour (whoohoo!) and nearly finished my piece. I successfully made a sterling silver band which will have a bezeled star ruby as the accent. I should have that done, as well as another piece by the end of next class. Folks, if you ever, EVER wanted to try something like this, I recommend it. The sense of accomplishment is amazing. You take a strip of silver, and turn it into a highly polished (like a mirror!) beautiful (well, that's what I think) piece of jewellery. This is going to open up so many things for me with regards to the creative process. After bending metal to your fancy, working a blow torch (which are really really tiny... no flame throwers...) and changing the structure molecularly... (I am talking Ions baby. You tell them what to do.) you feel like you could make just about anything. So, this being a thing that I can do, I have started looking for studio space. Need good ventilation, place for propane tanks, a kiln and a jewellers bench, among other things. How cool is this? It's like a dream come true.

'Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.' - Mark Twain

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