Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Wow, this is crazy...

So, there seems to be some serious looking into about this mountain expedition. I think that metaphorically, Kilimanjaro is appropriate for the current situation that is my life. Big... Scary... lots of wild animals...ummm.... a volcano... gee... Ice caps... takes forever to conquer, overcome.
Yup, sounds pretty accurate.

But! But!... What if I am successful in my current situation, the outcome positive... what if - I actually went and did it anyway?

It would fulfill so many dreams of mine. Visiting Africa; being outdoors - in Africa; climbing a big mountain - in Africa... wow. Talk about an achievement. I could hear the questions now... "So, Gwyn, what did you do over the christmas holidays?" "I climbed Kilimanjaro."

So, I have decided, why not. It takes away from my current condition, and allows me to focus on something a little less stressful. I get to be inspired by natures beauty, and get to be out doors. I can enjoy the company of friends. I would get to use some of the Yoga exercises that I have learned - testing both the physical and mental body. Clean out the clutter that is in my head and has got me in this dreary state.

Dreariness begone! I want to climb a mountain, conquer the mountain. I want to stand on the summit and point to the heavens and say: I have made it. I am alive!

lol, I am so bizarre sometimes.

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