Tuesday, May 10, 2005

We're a PSA waiting to happen...

My god, what a slightly surreal day. DC and I went out to look for fields. Yup, fields. We needed a specific size of field, and it had to have certain characteristics, and well, needless to say there aren't many of these fields that DC was looking for. Its amazing what people will deem as green space. I suppose if it is green, and a space...?

So after all was said and done with regards to the field search, we went to the marina off of Barnet Hwy to chat and look for, you guessed it, fields.

Ever seen two drunk guys in a motor boat almost crash into the rocky shore, with a tiny whiney dog? Believe it, it happens.

I have come up with a theory. I believe that the NYTIMES crossword puzzle is a coded message that only crossworder types can decipher. They aren't really trying to figure out what another word for plethora is, or trying to be the witty one who can spell a word 2 different ways and maintain the same meaning... nope. Its a plot I tell ya. To take over the world. The little blacked in squares? Maps. Think about it...


1 comment:

DC said...

I'm all about the fields...