Friday, May 20, 2005

Its been a long day?

Well, its 5.05am and I haven't gone to sleep yet. I have had probably one of the worst and best days of my life. I don't want to get into it... I imagine that it would just depress all the folks here...

I saw Darth Vader on the sky train today.

I had way too much to drink, and was contemplating text messaging all the people I knew. I am an amazingly strong woman, I didn't do a thing. Except to call my friend Sam who I haven't talked to in a very long time... total luck, she had moved out a long time ago, and just happened to be at her parents house when I called. Hope to hear from her...

I spent the majority of the day with my head in a pint. So much so I left my boxes at Hez's place... I will have to get those back from her tomorrow I guess.

I miss drinking Guinness, but I have lost so much weight that the pint was HEAVY... lol. I found that I was burning more calories than the beer was worth... I had some of the most digusting food too, but you know? Sometimes disgusting food can be such a dream to eat...

I tried the crane pose for Hez at her house, and I fell into the desk... I am so ashamed...I think her roomie thinks I am nuts.

Yoga should not be practiced when one is inebriated.

I learned that emotional intellegence is a very valid study... Perhaps they will use me as an example? I am feeling slightly emotional... or is it the beer...?

I think I am at 91 rounds of booze...

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