Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Alright! Monday is now Tuesday, but it will still be Monday...


Whoohoo, one month has passed and a new blog will be crowned King, Queen or what have you.

So without further aaah dooo (I spell it that way? Because I don't know how to spell it correctly. Sad in'it.)

Blog of the Month:

I Have No Name!

I love this woman. Having won Hot Blog of the Month last month, not only is her space on the World Wide Web a sexy colour of orange with amazing photography, but her writings I enjoy immensely. I honestly believe that Ms. KimmyK would be someone I would enjoy having coffee with and by the end of our date we would have both bawled, laughed 'til the coffee came out of our noses and I KNOW some discussion of bodily functions would occur. Mostly because I can't go anywhere without discussing poop. Because I am weird that way. But she would totally listen anyway. Because she is amazing that way. Plus? She is going back to school. To study Nuclear Medicine. Um, hello. So, Congratulations Ms. KimmyK of I Have No Name Fame!

Randomly Found Blog of the Month:

Cynical Dad!

Okay, so this guy? Is like the Audiophile's long lost twin brother. Anyone who can successfully write about 100 top albums of all time and then ask his readers to come up with cross referencing of contributing artists on other albums from the same list, and actually have people want to participate? Is basically my life everyday when I listen to tunes with the 'Phile. Insanely awesome. Cynical Dad is a Stay at Home Dad who writes awesome stories about his kids and his life and he has wicked taste in music.

Hot Blog of the Month:

Willie Baronet!

This guy actually found me, and so randomly is he awesome he wins. He is an artist who's works are just amazing, not to mention insightful. He is passionate about other peoples work too, which really sets him apart from the rest. He is so full of passion that... honestly, I can't say much more than that, except to fully experience him and his works you must go and visit his site. Congrats Willie, you have certainly touched my heart.

And of course, Boobie Blog of the Month goes to:

Moving Life Foward!

Not only does he not post regularly, but I have a sneaky suspicion that he would LOVE to win the Boobie blog, mostly for its, erm... title? This guy works in IT for the Hospital/University and dude, this guy is BUSY. And I mean BUSY. But when he does post on the rare occassion he certainly makes up for it, generally averaging 5-10 posts at a time. It's awesome. Mr. Moving Life Foward, I bestow you with the Boobie Blog Award! Congrats!


Gwynabella said...

Okay I dunno what is up with the tiny writing, but dudes I am sorry. Cynical Dad won for best randomly found blog, but for some reason he's small and tiny in print. Unless on your 'puters they are totally different.

DC said...

I saw the tiny text you were talking about... Not sure how you managed to do that...

It doesn't show up in the sidebar here when you click "show original post", that is the text is no longer tiny.

I read it by copying and pasting it into a text editor... but that's the geek in me.

Told you I wouldn't win the Boobs again!

DC said...

Okay, I know why the text is tiny, not sure how you put it in there though:

<span style="font-size:0;"><span style="font-size:100%;">

It's the first one, the font-size:0;... Not sure how you managed to put that in there, but removing it will fix your problem.

Gwynabella said...

Okay I'm gonna try

Gwynabella said...
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Gwynabella said...


IT Plumber/Janitor said...

Cool, I had the idea to look for a image to go with the Boobie Blog of the Month title. On second thought, that may not be such a good idea.

IT Plumber/Janitor said...

BTW, your blog looks different with IE and Firefox since the last template change. Maybe DC or Irene can help with the CSS.

Irene said...

I knew IT P/J would win boobie blog of the month! Frankly, he has no excuse for not blogging more frequently =P

Gwynabella said...

Anything to fix the damn thing, I think its... CURSED