Tuesday, August 15, 2006

And On The Seventh Day, The Bus Rested.

Last night I had another strange dream. This one was TOTALLY induced by the copious amounts of beer and nacho cheesy disgustingness I was ingesting. In fact, so disgusting that my body HATES me today. It's saying "I am going to make your life MISERABLE". But oh, was it so good.

My dream involved a whole bunch of stuff I can't really remember: lots of running and screaming and what not. But I distinctly remember at one point in the dream I was sitting with The Audiophile and we were watching the news. And the news said clear as a bell:

"The Seabus will be shut down for SEVEN DAYS. Plan alternate routes."

And I turned to The 'Phile and said:

"I guess I won't be seeing much of you over the next seven days, or maybe a lot depending on when they shut it down."

Now, this may seem like a bizzaro weird dream, but not so bizzaro weird strange that I would need to report it. Other than the fact this is my second transit based dream. Must be because I am BITTER that my car has broken down. STILL. Oh, right I haven't mentioned that have I? that it is STILL broken? Yeah. We shall not speak of this 'broken car'. It's truly, truly a sin, to quote the Velvet Underground. ANYWAY. This dream, I mean, it is not NEARLY as interesting as say, getting beat up by Paris Hilton's shoe. But this dream was so REAL that it compelled me to look into the Seabus Activity when I got to work. And there's no indication that the Seabus is not going to run for seven days.

But I am convinced. Something is going to happen with regards to seabus or boat that carries people and it will be shut down and the number SEVEN is important. Mark My WORDS! Because I am so psychic.

I mean, I am SO psychic I choose not to play the lotto out of respect, because hey, that would be SO unfair.


Truly. I do not lie.

That's a SIN.

1 comment:

Pipkin said...

Maybe having precognizant dreams runs in the family.