Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Music Wednesday (among other things)

Because I don't have enough stuff to blether on about, I have decided to christen EVERY Wednesday as Music Day. Why Wednesday? Because a W looks like an M upside down, that's why.

I am sort of borrowing from the Top 100 Favourite Album Meme that Cynical Dad and a few others had done, which I have to say is a pretty awesome meme. I decided to create (mostly becauseI don't own nearly half of
my top 100 [see rules and an example of a top 100 listing here]) a favourite album of the week meme.

Basically what it will consist of is a review of an album that I am currently listening to during that week. The deal is this. I either own the album, or have borrowed it with the intent on purchasing it within the next pay period. Because I am poor like that. It will a) provide some entertainment for y'all, and b) help me build my CD collection with direction as well as give me an opportunity to learn more about the artists I enjoy listening to. Of course I will try to have the albums first before I write about them, but there are some that just rock my world and like a small kid, I can't wait.

So without further Aaah Dooo...


Gwynabella's Album of the Week:

Tortoise: TNT (1998)
I love this album. I bought it in late January of this year after it was recommended to me by The Audiophile. There is something to be said about a music you can't ACTUALLY define. The overall feel of each song is significantly different, but underneath it all, there is a sense of familiarity from track to track. Even listening to it just once and to hear it again in passing, the sound is distinct enough to be instantly recognized as Tortoise.

In all honesty I don't think I have ever listened to something that conjured images of western scenes complete with riding horses off into the sunset and tumbleweeds to then suddenly feel like I am sitting in a slightly seedy, chic Metropolitan Bar, perhaps in Chicago where the band originates from, full of sound and vibration. The beauty of it is how this band makes the transition without having it's listener feel jarred or uncomfortable. Completely instrumental, TNT is funky and jazzy as well as totally contemplative and laidback, a far cry from what you would expect if you are driven by cover art (shame if you are!). Truly a great album to play during a quiet get together with friends or chilling by yourself. I would have to say Tortoise's TNT is hands down a must in anyones collection. Favourite Trax: I Set My Face to the Hillside; Four-Day Interval.

In Other News:

I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself choking, but couldn't wake up enough to deal with it. I don't want to know why, or on what. We will leave it at that, and just pretend it didn't happen. Moving on.

I went grocery shopping yesterday. I write this down because that doesn't happen very often. I am not a big shopper for groceries. But I discovered that there is a Kin's Market near my house and whoa, so cheap the veggies are! I decided to suck it up and start eating healthy again. The winter is coming soon and with what I want to be doing over the next few months (yeah, the 'PLAN'), I have to make sure that I am in top physical form. And if you aren't feeling well physically, you aren't going to be doing so well mentally, emotionally and on some level spiritually, which are also major important factors.

I haven't really mentioned the plan lately, and although I am wanting to talk about it, when I get ready to it seems I don't have the words to express it in a way that I feel will justify what I want to say. And I feel bad because I am all like 'I'll tell you today!' in various peoples comment sections. But trust me, its still there and still going strong, I just haven't found the way I feel will best describe my actions.

So with all that, people of the internet, what is your favourite album of the week? And where the hell did everyone go? DC? Teacher? Auntie Laura? What, you went and got lives outside of the internet and didn't tell me? Or invited me along?

And don't forget! Next Monday, August 28th is Blog of the Month Day! Pick your Favourite Blog, Hot Blog, Best Randomly Found Blog
and Boobie Blog of the Month and tell the world how awesome they truly are!

1 comment:

Glenn McArthur said...

Can I borrow that album? And shouldn't you do a review of mp3 tracks rather than CDs? Do we really buy CDs anymore?