Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Cosmic Contemplation of Ass

So! I have continued motivation. I am glad to see that this is not a momentary thing, like being drunk. Although, I am sure by now I am in some sort of perma drunk state. In fact? Most likely.

I started some of the implimentations of my plans yesterday. Took a look at this, dealt with that, got the ball rolling on that thing over there, you know what I mean.

Normally I am the type of person (Type, Christ. Okay, we have GOT to stop categorizing ourselves here) that as soon as she has a plan, BOOM the entire world knows about it. And what happens? Nothing.


Well, that's it, that's what I mean, NOTHING happens. The plan sits inside on the shelf never to see the light of day again. So THIS time, I am exercising that silence (sort of) and (trying) not to tell anyone what the deal is. And actively doing those things that I need to do, and THEN tell the world when I have done them. It's really hard. Especially when some of the things won't happen for a while, and then it'll take a while... and then, well by then you will all know because I would have told you by then. There were a lot of 'thens' in that sentence.

Right. So. Things in place, sort of. Things rolling in a good rolling fashion (you can really see that I am SQUIRMING to just belch out what I am going to be doing. I think partly because y'all will want to be participants eventually). (no, it is not a sex party, sorry.).

In other, less exciting (because I am SO exciting), but fairly exciting news:

Yo La Tengo is coming to town in October! I am so stoked! I think it's to do with the launch of their new album I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass (how could you NOT want to be in the same room as people who make albums and call them this? Screw the music! Its all about the packaging! [I am KIDDING]). The Audiophile bought an album of theirs and I fell in love, love, LOVE. He's seen them before, and is definitely all over seeing them again with moi.

And even more exciting, when I was talking with Mr. Fort St. John, he told me that he will be opening up for Greg MacPhearson in Fort. St. John. Um, HELLO? That is so fucking awesome I said fuck. And it looks like we are going to try and orchestrate something so we three can unite again and wreak havoc upon the earth. Well actually the two of them will wreak the havocness, I'll just moderate and make sure no one loses an eye.

I tried to get a hold of my school to write the suplemental exam. they sent the form out apparently in an email and wanted it back before the 8th of August. So, yesterday (that being the 8th, yes I AM a procrastinator) I emailed them first thing in the morning (which would be before noon their time) saying I don't have this form (I checked and they never sent the damn form), but want to take the exam. I get no response. I re send it a few hours later, and still no response. I think that sucks. I think they suck. But then that isn't a nice thing to say.

So instead we will sit and contemplate the cosmos a little more. And because the state of the world is such ass, go out and hug all those people you love so dearly. Because even though we live in a place where it is unlikely that they won't come home for dinner or that the place they have dinner at is no longer there, it's a possibility, I suppose. So, to all my friends? *HUG*


Karin said...

OMG...I'm the same way.

"I'm going to clean my room! And lose twenty pounds! And do ALL MY READINGS (see, reading this book!)! And clean out the basement! And do karate for an hour! And solve world hunger! And...and...ok, I'm going to take a nap now."'

Stupid test people. :P

Gwynabella said...

Stupid test people indeed.

Okay, is it nap time YET!? I'm tired over here! Hello? Tired?

Must... Stay... Awake...

Karin said...

I was in a gravol induced coma until 1130...and I'm still exhausted. :P

Whatchoo doing this week? Wanna drink and sew? Eep. If we do it in that order, I'd better invest in finger guards...

Gwynabella said...

Oh drink and sew! I would end up sewing my drink up or something vulgar like that...