Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Phoenix is on the rise.


Sorry folks, as you may know I don't blog on the weekends, and because it was a long weekend, well that is one less day this week of readershipness - ness, oh you get the point. Sorry.

Well, first off. I want to say thank you to DC for taking me under his wing-a-ling Friday afternoon. Friday afternoon? Was HORRIBLE. The day from hell. I honestly think that my psyche cracked just a little? And lots of aura was falling out and I just freaked, like some kind of non-plumber expert watching in horror as her toilet overflows. *Ahem* yes. There was shit flying everywhere.

But the point. Yes the point. DC is awesome. Him and I had an incredibly revealing conversation (Not the clothing kind, you know, like those conversations: "I'll show you mine if you show me yours..." No. Not that kind of revealing.) over some rye and (terrible!) ginger.

As you all may have noticed I have been somewhat DE-Motivated. Or LIMSMO, or whatever the hell you want to call it. Inactive, stuck in a rut, demotivated, LAZY? That, and other things to take into consideration, like certain relationships I keep because I feel I am obligated to maintain them, and yet at the same time see the horrible detremental effect they have on me. There is nothing worse that realizing that the relationship you keep is truly killing everything inside of you, until you are a giant weepy mess, and yet you do nothing to stop it, because you feel obligated to carry on. WTF? That is truly messed up. And the DC and I, we analyzed it. We tore it apart, searching for answers.

And the beautiful Teacher, and her mountains of fabric, and joy of spending DC's money on onion rings. Truly an inspiring woman. Even just looking at her gets me motivated. By the time I saw her on Friday however, I was EXHAUSTED. And so? Not much fun was I, but she still smiled at me and told me about her journeys that day and I just felt happy.

Then Saturday, I met up with The Audiophile. And we talked, and we cried. And he told me that I am so smart and capable of some many things and that he wants to see me thrive (I know what that really actually means now [come on, we all have words we use and don't really know what they mean... if you say you don't, I think you are lying.])! Thanks Teacher!). He told me it makes him sad to watch me crumble under the relationship I have with certain people in my life, and that they make me so miserable. I told him what I learned about myself over the last 24 hours, and what I needed to do with my time. My precious, precious time. People! Your time is precious! Don't just give it away!

I even talked to Mr. Fort St. John. He told me to get on it. To do it, because that is what I am good at. He was so happy for me, and my discovery. No judgement. No criticism. Nothing. Him, The 'Phile, DC, and the Teacher. These are people who emulate inspiration in its purest form. Even good ol' Sensitive Tan, he's inspiration too. I saw him Saturday evening, and he just oozes inspiration.

I can't be afraid. And that is it folks. Fear. Fear is what stops me. I fear failing. I fear losing that momentum to be successful. I fear burning out. But I can't let that keep me anymore. So what!? If it is important to you, you will rise above it.

And so, I have a plan. I have motivation.


I totally forgot to mention that I met Irene (of FLIB-ur-tee-jib-it fame, and DC's co worker) on Friday too! HI IRENE!!!! We had never met (only via the internet) until that point. What a great way to meet a person IN PERSON for the first time. Right in the middle of an aura spill. Now you know why I was such a mess of energy! I even said to Dave, "Oh great, she probably thinks I am a crazy frantic socially awkward psycho." But no, just had a messy spill is all. I am better now. (AND, I think you, Ms. FLIB-ur-tee-jib-it, will quite like what my plan is.). The revealing of this plan?


DC said...

I love it when a plan comes together! ;-)

Sorry couldn't resist... look forward to hearing all about it.

DC said...

I love it when a plan comes together! ;-)

Sorry couldn't resist... look forward to hearing all about it.

Pipkin said...

(That was so important, it had to be said twice.)

Aw, I now I get what page we are on.

You are so right - we have nothing to fear but fear itself - too true, Mr. Roosevelt

Irene said...

Hey, what about me? I should fit in the Friday synopsis as well =P

Gwynabella said...


DC said...

The comment wasn't so important that it needed to be there twice... system glitch... I would have deleted it, but then it gives you a message like "deleted comment" and people are left wondering what it said. So instead I left the duplicate in there.

On a more post related note, you should totally start writing on the weekend, we need our fix.

Pipkin said...

Well, it's a good thing you didn't delete it because then my comment would not make sense.

Gwyn, you have groupies!!

kimmyk said...

Sorry to hear you psyche is now cracked.

Maybe you can get your money back? No? Ok, just a thought.

Glad to hear ya got a plan...a plan is good.

Karin said...

Awwww....you made me all TEARY EYED!!!! Darn you and your sweetness!

I'm glad my mountain of fabric didn't scare you off too much. It's all beautifully organized now and less migraine inducing now. Incidentally, if you want to practice on some of it, I have much cheap fabric I could give you the use of.

Glenn McArthur said...

I do ooze, don't I?! It was great having beers with ya on Saturday...

Anonymous said...

why r we oozing?....mmm....confused