Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Batteries Not Included.

The BCAA man looked at my car yesterday evening and announced that my car's battery is DEAD. And I don't mean dead like oh, give me a jump start dead, I mean DEAD as in go get a new one DEAD. But hey, at least it isn't something more drastic or expensive or what have you. But oooh, DEAD.

I discovered something interesting last night while I was waiting for the Audiophile to get out of the shower. I realized after many years and much suspicion that yes indeed, dials on HI-FI systems do move when you employ the remote control. See, I've never had a sophisticated enough piece of equipment that had multiple dials and such, and those who do, I wouldn't touch their remote controls. I always envision this band of whatever it is streaming out of the remote in a line. and lines push things. Not turn them. Certainly the volume would go up, but the dial would remain in place. But no! In essence (and in my over active imagination) the bands of whatever it is, is streaming and forming a hand and turning the knob.

And turning the knob it does. With avid over tired facination I watched the knob go from PHONO to CD to RADIO (which I quickly turned off because OH MY GOD what people think is interesting on the radio, ugh [says the woman who is totally enraptured by the remote turning of the knobs]) and back again.

The Audiophile was slightly amused and somewhat concerned as I demonstrated my facinating newly found activity. I explained to him I was sheltered. And over tired.


Irene said...

Yup. Car batteries die as per what is instructed on it. If it says it's good for 10 years, it's good for 10 years, not 10 years, 1 month.

Glenn McArthur said...

I'm also concerned by your remote fascination...seek help fast...

kimmyk said...

i wonder if car batteries can explode like a 9 volt when they get old?

i have a new remote for our tv and i can't for the life of me figure it out. i started mashing buttons, and now i have to get up and physically turn the tv on. i have a manual but who has time to read that ?

Gwynabella said...

Ah, just what I need to round out my Curse. An exploding car.

Remotes ARE fascinating. Oh, so that is how you spell fascinate. Oops.

All I really need is one more month though. Man, I can't ever get a break (see curse above).