Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Fifth Element is ANGER

I went to my interview today. What an awful event that was. About half way through I almost said 'Why the hell did you call me? I am not only underqualified, but I don't even know what half of these duties mean, represent or are all about.' There is nothing, NOTHING more defeating that sitting in an interview, being asked if you have any experience in A, B and C and you answer: Um, no; Sort of; Not really. This is when you wish the floor would open up and suck you out of the room and into some other establishment, say a Pub with a pint of beer waiting for you. On their tab, of course.

However, I am very VERY glad I went though with it. I felt totally inadequate but I learned that I was one of the more 'qualified' people they interviewed: There are just no people in the Arts Administration field, and especially with the kind of experience they were looking for. I told them that I understood this, and that is why I applied, underqualified and all. I wanted to reach out to that community and see if I could find a position that would allow me to develop skills in this field. That is when they told me that they are even considering revising the position into a more Junior position if the applicant was willing to get some education or professional training in the field. My response? OH HELL YEAH! (I love the school, I love it).

So we will see. Honestly it was the worst interview I had ever had, and I doubt very much that they will hire me. But if they do? Well by Good God Of Your Choice I will be stoked.

In other news:

The Audiophile and I are not allowed to watch The Fifth Element together. EVER. AGAIN.
As a result of watching TFE together, there are now phrases such as:

Look, let's not let this get to the Fifth Element (now known as TFE).


Don't make me go TFE all over your Ass.

After the 'discussion' we had about TFE, we had this conversation.

'Did you watch Jon Stewart last night?'

'Yes I did.'

'Did you see the cartoon clip (of missles) I was going on and on about ?' (I do that a lot. The going on and on part. Part of the reason why we had a 'discussion' about TFE. I don't know when to shut it. Because I go on and on. Like right now.)

'Yes I did. It made me think of you.'

'Yeah, it made me think of me too.'

'It made me laugh and think that both you and Jon Stewart are clever.'

'Did you just compare me to Jon Stewart?'

'Yeah something like that. But you don't know shit about The Fifth Element.'

'We can never watch that movie together again. Ever.'

'You got it, Pontiac.'

'Hey, you said I was clever like Jon Stewart! Aww. I like you.'

'I sure did. I like you too.'

And everyone lived happily ever after for now. Until the next time. Because really, when you spend a lot of time with someone? You are going to argue to TFE. At some point.

Remember though. Just don't let it go past TFE. Because I don't even want to know what the Sixth one would be.
Or I do, I just don't want to be involved in it.
Someone tell me.


Karin said...

TFE is NOT anger. *glares at you* Don't make me go all TFE on your cute ass. ;)

Gwynabella said...

Oh honey if you were there to witness the 'discussion'? It's soooo anger. Mucho Angero. Multi pass anger. Pee Poe Lye ANGER!

I have a cute ass!? Whoa, we are so drinking wine together.

DC said...

Hmmm, not being able to watch The Fifth Element with someone would signal the end of the relationship for me. Quite the bata big boom if you know what I mean.

After all it's the only movie that I own two identical copies of (that is same version of the film, e.g. theatrical release), and I'd probably buy a third copy of it if I went to Blu-Ray or HD-DVD.

Also, if you pay close attention to the movie, you'll realize that the Fifth Element is --

"Hey where did all these men come from? Leave me alone, I'm typing here! Help! Help! --"

DC said...

P.S. you do have a cute ass ;-)

DC said...

Congrats and the bizarro interview too...

Gwynabella said...

Dave? did that secret police come and get you, because you think TFE is -- *thump* *slump* *put into gunny sack* *beaten with roll of quarters* -- hey, watch the hair!

DC said...

I mean it's not like I was trying to reveal the secret of how they get the Caramel inside the Caramilk bar, which is --

"Huh, what was that? I've got to go..."

Karin said...

Good lord. Am I the only one who hasn't been hauled away by the secret police for something?

Area 51 is actually...

"AEIIEIEEEEE!!!!" *sounds of karate chops and yells and someone dusting off their hands*

Like I was saying. Area 51 is actually a testing facility for hyper speed aircraft. Geez. I need a cleaning person to mop up those secret police guys. Anyone know anyone?