Monday, July 10, 2006


Shame. Oh, the shame.

I have joined - MY SPACE. *sob*

I did it for Mr. Fort St. John. His band is on MySpace, and I wanted to contribute. Oh God, I hope he knows what I have done for him. *sob, sob* If you want to visit and see even more derranged shite, you can visit MY SPACE. Actually? Please, I have only one friend, and it's TOM.


I went to get some bloodwork done on Saturday. Now the folks who know me have seen my arms after the batterage (is that even a word?) of large needles being shoved into my arms, bruising them up like some kind of post fumbling smash hits of heroine - well, you guys - too bad I don't have a pic of this one. It hurts even to roll up my sleeves and bend my arms. I have (I kid you not) a giant purple dent in my arm surrounded by a lovely shade of green.

'Put pressure on it for a few minutes.'

I'd like to put pressure on the person who stuck the needle into my arm and leaned too far in when she took the sample. Or samples. My record is 8! What's yours?

Seriously though, when you can actually see the needle getting shorter as she leans in too far when switching the vials, and you think God, did she just go through to the other side, and then the next day you look and you think Christ almighty! she must've, or that wouldn't have happened!

In other news:

My arm hurts, but that's old news.

Did anyone feel like the sun not only was hot on the weekend, but actually HURT? I walked after my blood tests to The 'Philes house, and I swear it was not just hot, but it also felt like it stung, like being slapped with hot pieces of drywall. So, needless to say I just hung out indoors for most of the weekend feeling totally drained and almost heat stroked like.

There's a television station that plays Sienfeld and News Radio episodes. I fuckin' love it.

Reality TV - SUCKS.

Drama television - SUCKS.

JD Salinger - So good. I finished 'Franny and Zooey', and I am really looking forward to reading Catcher in the Rye. Now, I remember some of the folks in school having read that in English 12 I believe - I didn't because I was in the Idiot English Class having nearly failed English 11. But ANYWAY. I am a late bloomer in the 'Rye' Department (book, not booze) but I am really, REALLY looking forward to it.

The 'Phile just about keeled over when I told him:
a) I've never read Catcher in the Rye.
b) I've never read any JD Salinger before.
c) The Wasband HATED Catcher in the Rye.

'God, REALLY? He hated it? How could you marry someone who HATED Catcher in the Rye?'

'I don't know, he probably didn't agree with what it said or something...?'

'But he HATED IT? It's one thing not to AGREE with something, but to HATE it? I am sorry, but he has terrible taste.'


'Well, except when it comes to you.'

'Of course.'

'Of course.'

Oh, and BTW all you savvy folks. Notice things um, failing a lot or qwerky things happen where say the phone system doesn't work for a bit, or your web pages are running slow, or you for some reason can't get a signal on your phone, people are either way early or way late for various important meetings, you miss your bus, are late for work, the trusty shit you relied on all of the sudden isn't working great and generally all communication seems to have flown out the window, verbal technological or otherwise?

Um, yeah. Mercury is in Retrograde? And has been since the 4th and will be until the 28th of July.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

1 comment:

DC said...

I've never read Catcher in the Rye either... not inclined to either, but feel free to try to convince me.