Thursday, July 27, 2006

Well, That blows Goats.

Well folks. I failed my accounting course.


I got 52%. Sadly, this is not what they want. They want 65% or higher. Well, shits. However, because I am TOTALLY positive, I can write the supplemental EXAM, because I didn't get less than 49%! Thank god for 3%.

Really, this blows. And makes me really sad. But what the hell did I expect. I barely studied, I just had to move during this hectic time, and deal with other shit I don't really want to get into, so hey. At least I retained half. I mean, that's a whole text book! Yes, this course comes with 2 full textbooks. In fact? It is 2 courses in one, spread over a lovely 10 weeks. Yup, in University you would get to do one of the two in 16 weeks. Ah, yes. So. Look on the bright side Gwynabella. You at least didn't cave in so far that you can't take the supplemental exam. YAY. *waves flag, looking totally dejected. Totally*

And yes. I cried.

Funny, I think I am going to talk about Gwynabella and her crying. See, I am quite the sensitive lass. I get teary eyed over just about anything. Some people are really uncomfortable by how easily I cry, but I have learned that it's okay to cry.
See, we live in this funny world where crying is considered a form of manipulation. Sadly, they who decides this, are correct. But only to some degree. I have my share of baggage, sure just as everyone else does. And rather than getting angry, I cry. So. If I am having a row with someone, and I get REALLY ANGRY? I cry. Because I would so much rather weep than punch them in the face. And although in the moment they may resent me for crying, because they feel I am trying to make them feel bad? I am really doing them a service by not making them feel really bad. With potential broken bones. Or ear drums. I'd mostly yell. And maybe flail a bit. But all in all, it's really ugly behaviour. I'd rather cry.

So, I am not hitting random objects in my house because I just watched 1300 dollars go down the toilet. I am simply crying.

I'll be in my room if anyone needs me.



Karin said...

That sucks SO much. :( I'm sorry.

Pipkin said...

Awwwww. I'm sorry to hear that.

But to be blunt. With a couple of exceptions, we are not an accounting family! Hello? Why do you think I dropped it after one semester?

DC said...

The part that you're leaving out is that you can be really cute when you're weepy.

I'm sure you'll kick ass on the supplemental exam if you choose to take it.

Gwynabella said...

THANKS YOU GUYS. *smiles* It makes me feel good you are out there in the world...