Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Well, the post blog award party was fabulous. It involved me having severe stomach aches and something like the bends. And not being able to eat. Because it would then want to be expelled from my body. Sadly folks I am not talking about spewing. Yeah, I know, TMI but shit (er), we all do it. Get over yourselves.

So as a result of my erm, shitty morning/afternoon/evening, I was quite exhausted and dehydrated and so I stayed home for half the day. I planned on being at work for 12:00 or a little after. So I left my house at 11:20am. The was decided because I leave my house during rush hour at 7:56am to be exact and get to work on time. Usually. I mean, there have been some days where I have been around 10 minutes late. Whatever.

So! I continue on my sojourn to the bus at a quarter after 11 and lo, I wait. And wait. And wait. Oh, lookey! There goes the third 99 B-Line, and YET! No bus for me! Joy!

So, it looks to be 11:40am. And HELLO BUS to BOUNDARY! So excited. And then not, because there was a very disgruntled and screaming child on the bus who would not shut up, and because I have been reading blogs that describe how they USED to be like that, and then they had children and oh, the mortification of realizing that you were one of those people who would glare at the poor mother trying to understand the 'BWhaaaahaaaaaawWAAA WHAAAAAAAAAA SCREEACHING SCREAMING WHAAAWHAAAAAWHAAA NAILS ON A CHALK BOARD' sounds being emitted from such a tiny body, I felt really bad for thinking 'SHUT UP CHILD, MOTHER DO SOMETHING' because the poor woman was trying so hard. She even whipped out the boob to feed the screaming spawn, and much to her dismay the babe just slapped the thing and wailed some more. I think the mom wailed too. I would, if my tit was slapped by anyone. Especially if breastfeeding makes them hurt as much as I hear it does. OUCH.

So, finally the mother got off the bus, and not that kind of FINALLY geeze, but more thank god, the mother can actually do something for her babe instead of being held hostage by all the glares on the bus (wait, whoa. Back this bus up. I am actually being sympathetic to mothers with SCREAMING CHILDREN? What the hell is happening to me????). And then suddenly we are turning off of Broadway onto Commercial. Um, dude. You are supposed to go to Boundary. Oh, and I haven't told you what time it is yet! It's now 10 past 12. That's right. It took as long as it does for me to get to work during RUSH HOUR, but um, I am only half way there. FUCK!

So, I get off the bus, and wander to the Boundary Road Bus Stop (BRBS), and while I am waiting at the BRBS a woman gets shat on by a large pigeon. Notice that the word pigeon has pig in it? Yeah, well this woman had more shit on her than I have ever seen in my entire life. It was all over her shoe, her sweater, her pants... Luckily it missed her head. It would have taken her out if it did, I swear. Oh, and the time now is 12:20pm. What, that's an hour after I left my house! Why, I could have walked here in that time.

So, waiting and waiting. And finally at 12:28pm, the bus decides to show up. As I am getting on the bus I look at the schedule. And Lo! The bus that I was on, I am CERTAIN was supposed to go to Boundary. It was due at that stop just minutes before. And I can tell you? No bus came at that time. I think the bus driver fucked up. Eh, whatever.

Anyway. I get on the bus. And it is fairly uneventful. I get off the bus (see, not really exciting) and I get to work. At 1:00pm. And worst off? The internet was down. Oh, the internet was down.

I cried.

Seriously. I don't have anything to do there, my only distraction from realizing that I don't do anything at all for a third of my 24 hour day is the internet. I don't understand people who say they would love a job where they get paid to do nothing. I can tell you right now. The novelty wears off REALLY fast.

So, now I am at home, resting from what seems to be a fairly SHITTY DAY.

Oh, and now my neighbours are arguing. Fun.
Oh! OH! I won blog of the MONTH from Wellipsis! YAY ME!

1 comment:

DC said...

Congrats on the web award thing ;-) Sorry about the rest of the day though...