Monday, July 31, 2006

This post it brought to you by the letter 'R'

(the 'R' stands for Ravishing don't you know)

I have been sucked into the black vortex of celebrity/sibling pressure. Not my sibling, because after me my parents didn't need to continue breeding (Perfection! Right! Here!), but the Audiophile's youngest and sweetest sibling who was (and still is) visiting with her lovely husband.

It involved a little box with 3 bottles in it, a 25 minute wait time and a DRASTIC difference in results ( I keep spelling RESLUT, what the hell does that mean?). Oh, and it's void of any colour (If you don't know your colour theory, that's black).

Yes, instead of looking like the lovely Debbie Harry of Blondie fame? I now look like Joan Jett. And yes, baby. I love rock n' roll.


Karin said...


Would you like some goth clothes to borrow? I have a vast selection. :)


** OMG, I'm doing footnotes in comments now.

Gwynabella said...



that sounds so delishy dirty.

Yes, we need to get together*. I am totally RAVISHINGLY RAVEN HAIRED and totally disenfranchised.


**Oh! My! God! It's like a plague of asterixes, it's catching!

DC said...

Sounds like someone is trying to do some wine drinking and some karaoke...

Gwynabella said...

*glug glug* *glug glug* I loooversh rockinroooll pull anlonthersh dime intheshshoebox baaayyybeee...*glug* *hic*