Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Holy Long Weekend Guys...

So, I don't really know where the hell the Freaky Freakin' post came from. I must have done it sometime, I just don't recall it. And I seriously believe that alcohol was NOT a factor. But I can't wager on it. That would just be stupid.

All in all, a really good weekend. Saturday was WAY too much for us being outside. People are crazy! We opted for the rest of the weekend to just stay close to home, walk around in the neigbourhoods near us and more or less just stay in and watch movies.

Got home Friday after work, got ready, clearly posted a post sans post (?) and went to meet The Audiophile chez his house. Went out for dinner.

Okay. People? Listen up.

Nyala has to be one of the most amazing restaurants I have ever been to in my ENTIRE life. If you are wondering (and I am sure you are) Nyala specializes in African Cuisine. African Cuisine to DIE FOR. We feasted (literally) on a platter of various things that contained Goat and Seafood. Good Lentil salad and a tabouli type of salad dish. And you eat with your hands. You get this flatbread, fold a piece of it between your fingers and your thumb and pinch up some of the meat and salad or whatever your desired combination is. MY GOD. It was so good. You may be taken aback a bit by the seating, it seems very casual and open, but once you start eating it doesn't even really matter where you are, the music is good, the people are super friendly and the food, well you already got the low down on that. By the way? I never knew goat could taste so good. Mmm... goat.

So after consuming way too much food and drink we went home and basically went to sleep. Yeah, the food makes you sleepy.

Saturday was a hectic day of wandering around town. We drove to my house (I had a few things to take care of) and walked from my place across the Cambie Street bridge into town. The 'Phile had to take care of his own piercing needs, and more or less just wandered around, talking and enjoying the warm sun. Went to see X-men 3 finally. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and laughed so much because a lot of the dialogue was so comic book cheesy. And Pheonix/Jean Grey was such an awesome character. I really wish she ate the world though. But then I guess there wouldn't be much of a movie left, or room left for a 4th one.


What the hell am I talking about, this is comic book land, you could eat the world and still come up with a sequel. Sure.

I laughed too at the 'end', you know after the credits. It got cut off at such an awkward place - almost like they found it on the cutting room floor and was like 'Oi this will work, we're missing half the frame at the end, but whatev.' and glued it to the remaining credit strip.

Then we watched Shaun of the Dead when we got home - which I hadn't seen before but purchased. Why? I have heard from folks that it is hilarious. However, what some folks might not know is Simon Pegg (Shaun) also plays a character named Tim in a BBC4 series (no longer running,) called Spaced. I had been watching that for the last while - The 'Phile borrowed it from a co-worker of his. The actor playing Shaun's best bud in Shaun of the Dead also plays Tim's best bud in Spaced, and the girl that Shaun runs into every so often during the film (notably at the end) is the same actress who plays Tim's roommate, Daisy. So there's all these little subtle jokes and nuances in Shaun of the Dead which are really REALLY evident when you've seen Spaced. It's almost a prerequisite really.

But whoa, it was like crazy town! People are insane! I couldn't stand it anymore. We even walked back from downtown to The 'Philes' house because we didn't want to deal with the public on cramped buses, or anything. It was insane.

And so concluded Saturday.

And Sunday? We walked to my house again to do some tidying up, fed the fish, got the car from the day before, parked it and wandered around the town again, but stayed well away from heavily populated areas, after the day before we were like fuck that noise, people are crazy.

Listened to some tunes: Lead Belly and Gram Parsons. So good. Got some more movies to watch. We watched Night Watch, a Russian horror film which was very good - a little hard to follow, but incredibly well done visually. We also watched BloodRayne which was the WORST MOVIE EVER. But we loved the gratuitious slow mo' recap of really bad gore scenes at the end. I never laughed so hard in my life.

So concluded Sunday.

Monday, we had a long discussion about history of the Middle East and European Empires from Alexander the Great up to now, the difference between Nationality and Culture and what really is the definition of 'Sub Continent'. I was serious when I said long. Like 2.5 hours long. Non stop. We even continued it further when we went out to grab a pint at the pub down the street. But that conversation evolved into a discussion about Realists vs Idealists and the current standard of existence among men/women. Pints turned into pitchers, as I am sure you can imagine. Then we fled the public (who were once again, crazy) and we watched movies. Duh, big surprise. UltraViolet was TERRIBLE. But we saw a preview for a film called Mirrormask which looks AWESOME. So keepin' the peepers open for that one. Sarah Silverman: Jesus is Magic was so depraved we didn't know if we should laugh or be offended.
So we did both.

And so concluded Monday.

But apparently not the crazy of the people. Christ. I think I might move to a small Island, to get away from these psychos. I hear Pender is nice...

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