Wednesday, August 02, 2006

YES! I have no bananas...!

Well, Actually I do. Oh! No more banana.

My goodness folks, I didn't post yesterday (oh, I just wrote ipost. ipost. Hmmm... aw, dammit. ipost already exists.). And alas, there are numerous reasons as to why. You wanna know? Huh? HUH? Okay, I'll tell you, but only if you sit quietly. Okay. That's good.

First: The Audiophile's sister and husband were in town until yesterday morning, and needless to say, I think they are fan-fucking-tastic. They are so awesome, and so much fun (hello! Black Hair!). But because of their visit and my having to work a bit on Sunday, I didn't really get to relax like I had hoped. Especially after discovering I failed my exam, had a hellish time with the other job, and am currently suffering from total and utter job dissatisfaction with primary job. Oh, and the fact that I worked nearly 65 hours last week (The Student has worked many of these and more, and I don't know how she did it. My guess is she doesn't either.).

Second: We (The 'Phile, Wee Sis, her Hubby and I) were going to take a nice drive to Lynn Valley on Sunday afternoon but it seems that after I had put in 30 dollars worth of gas, and paid 200 dollars in insurance on Saturday, my car decided that it didn't want to work (and still doesn't). AND since I am not a BCAA member (yet) I will have to pay to get it towed, and Lord only knows how much it will cost to get it to run again. I suspect it will be one of those situations where I will go in for the starter and I will find out that not only does that not work, but pretty much everything else too. I am so devestated I just ... *sniff* cue bawling.... now.

Third: The 'Phile, because of his recent trip, has received significantly less this pay period and is quite upset. Mostly because he worked so much over time but they didn't pay him the OT rate because he fell under that 40hr/week line. He also needed (read: Wanted. I tried to talk him out of it) to pay me back for some things, and so I could break somewhat even and buy a bus pass (I was trying to convince him I could walk to and from work all August). So I felt like a twat needing to take his money to pay for a pass so I can take the bus so I could go make money that would just end up paying for the means to get to work, so I can make money so that I can simply go to work, so that... oh, you get the point.

Fourth: I got a collections letter in the mail! Whoo! Yes, apparently if you don't pay your parking tickets within 2 months of receiving it, you get sent to collections! I am SO glad to see that the City of North Vancouver has so much free time and money to spend that it can come after me, threaten to RUIN MY CREDIT RATING and all for 55 dollars. Yes. 55 DOLLARS. Or perhaps they are so desperate for cash that they need to beat it out of me through psychological violence. Needless to say, I don't have 55 dollars, but thank you VISA for providing me with borrowed money. Oh! Lookit! Number FIVE!

Fifth: I am totally and utterly overdrawn on my VISA (See number 1, 2, 3 and 4!), so much to the point that I should just declare Bankrupcty.

Sixth: I have found out other things about other accounts that are mine and that Asshat The Wasband and needless to say, I am just about ready to call it in, take it over and get rid of it. Then maybe after I will sue or something. Or just pretend that that whole thing with the marriage and such never existed.

Seventh: Good god, there's seven? Oh, yes. It ties in with number 2. I won't as a result of all this shit be able to go on a holiday. Enter nervous breakdown... now.

Eight: I spent less money this month on me than any other month, and I have less than I have ever had before. And I just applied for a job that will pay me LESS annually (like 8000 dollars less) because it is the only way I am going to get into the industry I want. YAY!

However, dispite all of these HORRENDOUS things going on (y'all are probably thinking, geeze. Get a grip. Well I have, it just happens to be tightly around a stick I want use to beat something with.), I am doing fine. I am tired and grouchy and had a good cry yesterday; think I look fabulous with my newly dyed locks and mid month is only 13 days away and I should be able to put most of this crap where it needs to go in order to take care of this HUGE and OVERWHELMING but really managable situation.

So. Yes. I have no bananas. But I have no bananas in my lovely home I made sure I paid for. Or car I made sure I paid for. Or on the bus (because I have a bus pass! Made sure!). Or at work (because I have a job!). It could be way worse. I could have NO BANANAS and NO PLACE TO PUT THEM.


Irene said...

Don't declare bankrupcy, you won't be able to apply for any credit for a good long time. I suggest going to a credit councellor and try to work something out.

Also, cut up the credit card. It's not doing you any good having it around right now. You can always apply for another one down the road.

Anonymous said...

I really have no idea best (or maybe worst) that I can remember....vaguely... was a 140 hour work week, yick
the student...

Gwynabella said...

And you wonder why you got so


Is there even 140 hours in a week?