Friday, May 19, 2006


That was the word that flew out of my mouth just after I slammed my finger in between the frame of the window and the wall frame part. Needless to say, the middle finger is a well used *ow* finger. And mine has a nice black line down the middle of it.

And of course? Because I am so overly proud and 'manly' I decide that I couldn't possibly continue screaming what with the window wide open and all the other folkses windows wide open, so I run out of the bed room into the living room to wail like the baby that I am. Well, of course I would have the living room balcony (and subsequently the only window) door wide open, and the curtains thrown wide open, so for me to continue cursing at a decibel that would put a Wagnerian Valkarie to shame would not bode well... I scurry into the kitchen which is out of view of all windows. What do you think the first thing came to mind with regards to remedying the INTENSE pain that my finger was now suffering from?


Not ice, not water, not even hopping up and down, just Rye. But of course I didn't follow through with that, come on. I am NOT an alcoholic.

I had a Rye after I dug the ice out, got water on it and hopped up and down.

The pain subsided rather quickly.

In other News:

I finally got all the clothes I don't wear anymore into a bag so that I can give them to charity. I was RUTHLESS. Clothes that I haven't worn in eons, and couldn't see myself wearing anytime soon were tossed into the bag. Clothes that I was like, oh maybe if I lose a few they would fit - GONE. Yet another part of the moving process out of the way. I am SO going to win Moving Day.

I totally forgot that I have yet one more quiz which is due on Wednesday. I haven't read the book yet and so, I have to spend tonight (part of the punishment you see) studying. Of course this will be peppered by information exchanges on MSN... but needless to say, I need to study for this test, so that I can start studying for the final exam. What a shit load of info I've got to absorb. What a lack of the shit load of *time* I have to do it.

Speaking of time and filling it with non-study related events, I should be going to Emily Carr's Graduate Exhibition for 2006 on either Sunday or Monday, and I am actually quite looking forward to it. Although I fear it will make me want to purchase copious amounts of pictures.

I am continously oogling the IKEA website looking, trolling for lovely objects to put into my new home. I (unfortunately?) have got it into my head that I need to have all sorts of new things. This culling of the impracticality is proving difficult, and I am currently in the process of talking myself into 'Yes Gwynabella, you need new cutlery and dishes. Of COURSE you need brandy glasses and red wine glasses. YES you NEED to purchase rugs, vases, jugs, placemats, knick knacks, paddy wacks...'

Someone. Help. Me.


DC said...

The question is do you actually want help controlling those impulses, or is that just the image that you want to present to the public?

Gwynabella said...

Me thinks you took the post a little too seriously monsieur DC.