Monday, May 15, 2006

It's Monday.

Today, the news in the universe of Gwynabella...

I have paid the deposit for le fabulous apartment. The sign has been taken down and it is mine. MINE!

I took The Audiophile down to it to show him. It's nice and close to him, not too close (it's a good walk, short drive/bike ride) but certainly closer than where I currently reside. He liked it, and especially liked the fact that people can't climb into my windows. I roll my eyes, but I know he does it because he cares. The thing about The Audiophile is that he is very vocal about my safety, but god forbid if I am ever vocal about his. He gets all whiny and complains about it. It aggrivates me, but I can't stay mad because he looks at me in this certain way that completely disarms me. Jerk.

In other News:
It's Monday, and I think they suck.

I will be starting my packing ritual this week, and need to claim a truck to move all this shite that I own. I also will be doing a massive spring cleaning and ridding myself of the shit that I don't need. Should prove interesting.

I am looking to purchase a new bed frame and a book case in the near future (like on the 31st of May or something.)

Last night we went out for a bite to eat and it made me SICK! SO SICK! I don't know if it was the food, or if it was a combination of my inability to digest things efficiently and the heat, but damn, I still feel sick and totally dehydrated. UGH. The Audiophile was HOPING for an evening of just relaxing to himself, however it seemed that my body (NOT ME) was not having any of it and demanded much attention, and subsequently and with not so much but some begrudging-ness, it was announced that I would stay yet another night chez the 'Phile.

I had a shitty sleep, shitty dreams and really? I just feel shitty.


Karin said...

The important thing though is...does he agree that it'd make a good brothel?!

Anonymous said...

Totally Karin, Totally.

Oh, and this is me, too lazy yet again to post.