Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I hate Mondays... wait a minute.

I already miss the long weekend.

Saw The DaVinci Code with The Audiophile. Was okay. Just finished the book too, and so it was still fresh and there were somethings that were left out, and somethings they added (whaa?) and well, I have to say it wasn't the most thrilling movie, but it's like one of those things you HAVE to see, just so you can talk pretentiously about it in Arty Coffee Houses - about the acting, the directing, the cinematography, the Code itself, Art, Religion, Social Sciences... blah blah blah. What fun. (Seriously. I dig it. Pretention. All. Right. Here.)

So continuing on to what I now realize is an Art theme for the weekend, The 'Phile and I went to the Emily Carr Graduation Exhibition - and some of it was um, well - you know - *not very good*. I say that in the most honest and well, kind (?) of ways - and if you are an artist well then you should already know that not everyone is going to like your art. Not everyone likes mine, and since I can't handle that? I do accounting instead.

In other News:

I am still waiting for the results of my midterm.

The Teacher has changed her formatting. It confused me greatly. But now I am over it.

Moving has become a little more of a juggling act. Apparently I need to be out of my place by 1 o'clock in the afternoon of the 31st. All the other places I have ever lived at it is Midnight. In fact, I have been told that the law states I have until midnight of the last day that I paid up to - to move out of my place. But no, that would make life easy if it were to be as simple as that now wouldn't it.

So, I am thankful I hadn't reserved anything for the 31st, especially after 1pm, which is what I had thought of doing that very day I found out no, you can't Gwynabella. No.

There will be much rejoicing when all this moving crap is over. I so take back the "I think moving is FUN!" Obviously I was intoxicated and should have been slapped. SHOULD HAVE, not should BE. I am certainly making up for stupid comment #82837498790101 and punishment needs NOT to continue any further. Please.


Karin said...

How about a spanking? Could I give you a spanking? :D

Sorry about the confusion...I did in fact post about the change. ;)

Gwynabella said...

Yeah, but I read it AFTER you made the changes... in fact your post on it... ah, brought about the serenity.